The market research company BMRB conducted 12 focus groups for the project.
The criminal judicial system always comes up at the top of the list of voters' concerns in focus groups.
How many guys have 30, 000-person focus groups?
Technique 2: Using joint interviews or focus groups.
In business, we relied on surveys, focus groups and consultants.
We ran a total of 53 focus groups involving 371 participants in three sites.
Ethnographic field studies, focus groups, diary studies, surveys, data mining or analytics.
User testing is different from focus groups, which are a poor way of evaluating design usability.
Read customers minds, anticipate their needs rather than relying on focus groups and surveys.
We believe it was listening to marketing focus groups, but it failed to watch customer behavior.
"For something this complicated, it's really hard to design products by focus groups," he once said.
After meeting with focus groups, the researchers decided to display the colors in the form of a wheel.
The standard was set by focus groups working out what was and was not necessary "to participate in society."
That's a godsend for marketers wary of the sometimes unreliable results of focus groups and other field testing.
In focus groups, Mr. Devoto says the minifilm got strong reactions when placed alongside traditional commercials.
Jobs's remarkable capacity to spot what people wanted next came without the aid of market research or focus groups.
They may rely on the standard techniques — usually surveys and focus groups — whenever research needs to be conducted.
一旦有 市场研究的需要,他们往往就那么两招:问卷调查和小组座谈会(focus group)。
But, so say many of those who study polls and focus groups for a living, voters had made their minds up about him long.
The IOM committee charged with this task, and its consultants, conducted no new research — not even consumer focus groups.
Such decisions are best left to product managers, he insists, who combine their own judgment with feedback from focus groups.
He eschewed market researchers and focus groups, preferring to trust his own instincts when evaluating potential new products.
These 'stay interviews' should be conducted by a third party, not the manager, or HR could hold focus groups in a safe setting.
Brainstorm for greater fulfillment: One great way to brainstorm and, thereby, motivate workers is to set up employee focus groups.
In recent polls and focus groups he has found that Brazilians, including the poorest, have woken up to the fact that they pay high taxes.
Do enough marketing research -like focus groups combined with surveys -to quantify the impact and get a sense of how customers will react.
Procter & Gamble, an American competitor, is using similar technology to decipher the expressions of focus groups viewing its advertisements.
He's currently in India recruiting staff for an Indian office, which will carry out focus groups to better tailor Ignighter to an Indian market.
But testing against human factors, creating use cases, and observing focus groups can prove to be a costly endeavor for even the largest of companies.
But testing against human factors, creating use cases, and observing focus groups can prove to be a costly endeavor for even the largest of companies.