Fold-over lapel. Sleeveless. Classic fit.
Fold-over placket features three double button tabs.
The strap can be attached at the top or sides to convert the bag to a fold-over style.
Striped pattern. Welt pockets with fold-over flap detail at lower front. Button closures at sleeve vents.
A contemporary fashion look that is still incredibly versatile, these women's black leather boots come with a modern fold-over cuff that partly covers the heel.
They often fold over or bunch up, turning them into booby traps for anyone shuffling down the hall.
Cooks use their fingertips to pluck, fold and position single leaves of wood sorrel into a coat that is place over hand-scraped beef tartare.Juniper dust, left, and tarragon paste are on the plate.
Cooks use their fingertips to pluck, fold and position single leaves of wood sorrel into a coat that is place over hand-scraped beef tartare. Juniper dust, left, and tarragon paste are on the plate.
The option that is most fun is to use a little fold-out UI on the screen itself to drag out a new screen. Hover with your mouse over the screen.
Instead of talking on the phone while you fold laundry or clean the kitchen, sit down in a comfortable chair and turn your entire attention over to the conversation.
Remove the bowl from the mixer and fold in the chocolate chips or nuts or both. Pour the filling over the cooled crust and spread until smooth.
In Africa, all countries reporting on nets collectively had a 10-fold increase in the number of insecticide-treated nets distributed over the last thee years.
This is an increase of more than three-fold over totals for the past several years and highlights the expanding portfolio of financial services we offer.
Over that time, the company says its own retail revenues were up three-fold.
He knows urban folk are fed up with Congress over other massive scams and may not be pulled back to the fold.
Whisk the egg white until stiff, fold in the cucumber mixture and smooth over the face avoiding the eyes and mouth area.
The trend was found to be dominant in the under 45s, where the proportion of men with a body mass index over 35, and of women with a BMI of over 40, has grown two-fold during the decade.
The WCDMA payload will provide an immediate 16-fold increase over legacy UHF satellite communications in the number and capacity of satellite links.
"Having worked closely with Jonathan over the years, I'm delighted to be able to bring him back into the fold," Rose said.
That species would spend its days looking up at the sky, rain or shine and then as darkness came on would fold its white petals over its yellow center and settle down for the night.
Marilyn: Right over there, Grandpa. You fold the fliers, Richard and I will put them into the envelopes.
The initiatives announced today should increase that proportion at least seven-fold over the next four years, to 15% or more.
The quickest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back in your pocket.
It has also been estimated that agricultural production could potenitally grow more than three-fold over the next 20 years, rising from $280bn today to $880bn by 2030.
In England tuition fees will have risen almost seven-fold over the decade to 2012, yet demand so far has robustly outstripped supply.
My first demonstration of building tables with Ajax is through the use of an XML request to the server over Ajax. The value of this technique is two-fold.
我的第一个使用Ajax构建表格的演示是,通过 Ajax向服务器发送XML请求,此技巧的价值是双重的。
Yet the pace of depredation has picked up rapidly over the past three decades, as tourist visits have increased 14-fold to over 160, 000 a year.
Yet the pace of depredation has picked up rapidly over the past three decades, as tourist visits have increased 14-fold to over 160, 000 a year.