Follow-up studies have found that those who chose to delay satisfaction are now more academically successful, have greater self-worth, and even tend to be healthier.
The experiment set off a small industry of follow-up studies carried out in labs all around the world.
The contribution of these mutations to the adaptation of the cells towards the halogenated base will be the subject of follow-up studies.
The researchers say more studies are needed with longer follow up, which did not exceed 12 weeks in the studies reviewed.
The phase II studies in the target age groups in Africa have shown anywhere from 40-60% protection against malaria in the follow-up period for the trials.
The full effect of evolving in these different environments is a mystery that Pearson hopes to investigate in follow-up studies.
I did follow-up studies showing that the same result occurred for non-fatal accidents as well.
Evaluation of Rwanda's program is a first for low-income countries; will spur follow-up studies.
Follow-up studies find that the money usually goes for food, children's clothes and school supplies.
Follow-up studies of the women have provided increasing clarity on the risks and benefits of HRT, including the newest study published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
While this finding needs further study with longer follow-up times, it is consistent with other studies, for example, on radiotherapy patients, who received considerably higher doses to the heart.
Follow-up studies indicated that, when people were treated for their parasitic infection, they had a relapse of MS.
Results, which Diaz plans to submit to a scientific journal when he's done with follow-up studies, showed that half of the people were terrible at guessing where the ball went.
We only investigated older people, so follow-up studies at different ages in the future could determine what comes first.
The researchers analyzed data from two large ongoing studies, the Nurses' Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow-up Study.
研究者从护理健康研究和健康专家随访研究(the Nurses'Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow - up Study)两个进行中的大的研究得到的数据做了分析。
Dr. Jakicic and his colleagues hope to conduct follow-up studies that will directly examine how activity monitors affect exercise motivation and subsequent weight loss.
The authors plan to these and other questions in ongoing follow-up studies of the women.
The duration of patient follow-up in all four studies was shorter than what is generally considered necessary to evaluate for cancer risk from drug exposure.
The studies used food frequency questionnaires to follow up the participants every four years, asking how often, on average, they ate a standard portion of each fruit.
Finally, evidence from all published studies indicate the need for biopsy rather than continued follow-up when most probably benign findings increase in size or extent.
Methods Retrospective review of the clinical data of 240 cases of DVT of lower extremities was done with follow-up studies.
The BPA paper also acknowledges that independent replication and follow-up studies are needed.
The crackdown contributed to a significant crime decrease, although follow-up studies suggest that police presence itself was the key.
Follow-up studies found that shoppers were more critical of a retailer with an eco-friendly-colored logo when presented with a procedure that was definitely ethical or definitely unethical.
We'll enlarge the samples in the following study and conduct some follow-up studies to the severe ones of Internet addictions to try to find out the mental mechanism of Internet addiction.
The researchers say follow-up studies are needed to tease out the relationship between television and happiness.
The researchers say follow-up studies are needed to tease out the relationship between television and happiness.