Such diseases include: penicillin hypersusceptibility, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, food Anaphylaxis and so on.
According to the food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network, about 12 million Americans have food allergies.
The study, publishing in the April issue of Pediatrics, is the largest to date to investigate emergency treatment of food-related anaphylaxis in children, according to the authors.
Objective Anaphylaxis induced by food allergy is very common in clinical practice, which shown various clinical manifestations, and emergent treatment was necessary.
The Anaphylaxis induced by drug, food, and other allergens has increased rapidly over last decade in the world.
The Authority has prepared some information on the possible causes of food allergies, anaphylaxis, the difference between allergies and food intolerance, food labelling for allergies, useful contacts.
The Authority has prepared some information on the possible causes of food allergies, anaphylaxis, the difference between allergies and food intolerance, food labelling for allergies, useful contacts.