They have pointed out that the smell of food and drink can make other passengers unhappy.
There was nowhere in which a waiter brought you food and drink that you picked from a menu.
Retail sales of food and drink in Europe's largest markets are at a standstill, leaving European grocery retailers hungry for opportunities to grow.
There's no need to worry about food and drink as we'll be supplying sandwiches and coffee, possibly some biscuits.
I've brought back many things I can use—food and drink, tools, knives and guns.
The food and drink that most Australians like are grapes, lamb, ham and especially wine that they make in the south of the country.
It's brother and sister to me, and aunts, and company, and food and drink, and naturally washing.
Sports drinks, which are often high in sugar and calories made up most of the food and drink deals, with soft drinks and fast food filling out the remainder.
As a person who writes about food and drink for a living, I couldn't tell you the first thing about Bill Perry or whether the beers he sells are that great.
Food and drink has a special meaning to Chinese people.
In a restaurant, people usually choose food and drink from the menu.
In the restaurant, John ordered food and drink for the old woman politely.
People use plates to hold their food and drink only from their own glasses.
While eating, sometimes she carelessly sprinkled (撒) food and drink on the table and on her coat.
When you have a cold, any food and drink sometimes has very little flavour to you.
He used to spend all his money on food and drink; now he lives a simple life.
A bon vivant is a person with cultivated, refined, and sociable tastes, especially with respect to food and drink.
Parents completed questionnaires about the food and drink consumed by their children at the ages of three, four, seven and eight.
From our research it is clear to see how this situation may have created a cycle of sweet food and drink consumption.
BPA is commonly used in food and drink packaging, where the molecule is usually locked in as part of a complex polymer.
And when the train stopped at the border town of Brest, a gang of Belarussian women jumped on with baskets of food and drink.
The researchers now plan to study the impact of other forms of food and drink on hallucinations.
Earlier this year, Denmark banned the chemical in food and drink containers for the under-threes.
The men would be buried alongside weapons, hammers and flint knives as well as several portions of food and drink to accompany them to the other side.
We have access to food and drink and drugs that have been devised to stimulate our nervous systems in magnificent ways.
Kitchens run by the NCP provided food and drink to fortify waverers in temperatures reaching 40 degrees centigrade.
But take a look at the list of ingredients on any of the tins or bottles of processed food and drink and you will find hundreds of unnatural ingredients.
One of the most common trade show booth etiquette violations occurs when food and drink is kept within the booth for personal consumption.
Companies suffered declining profits, which they made up for by adding luggage, food and drink surcharges.
他们遭受的亏损使之不得不 依靠行李托运和饮食附加费来弥补。
Companies suffered declining profits, which they made up for by adding luggage, food and drink surcharges.
他们遭受的亏损使之不得不 依靠行李托运和饮食附加费来弥补。