The company has the experienced management and operation personnel, senior engineer and food technologist and the well-trained technical worker.
To do that, they relied principally on something known as the Haugh unit - a highly specialized egg-quality metric developed by food technologist Raymond Haugh in 1937.
他们主要依靠一台高度专业化的蛋品分析仪——哈氏分析仪,那是食品专家雷蒙德·哈夫(Raymond Haugh)在1937年发明的。
Mustafa Farouk, Senior Food Technologist at Ag Research has partnered with Auckland boutique chocolate maker Devonport Chocolates to bring meat chocolate to the masses.
Mustafa Farouk, Senior Food Technologist at Ag Research has partnered with Auckland boutique chocolate maker Devonport Chocolates to bring meat chocolate to the masses.