The expenses foot up to 50 yuan .
Slot your foot (big toe up, pinky toe down) into the crack up to the arch of your foot, keeping your knee out to the side.
One of those hawks dove not more than a foot above my head to pick up a mouse beneath a tree across from me.
Our only hope was to scramble up to this buttress, and dig out a platform at the foot of it on which we could pinch our tent.
At that time, they had to carry water from the river at the foot of the hill to halfway up the hill.
They gathered a bundle of wood, piled it up at the foot of the pine, and set fire to it.
When I picked up my son from preschool one recent summer afternoon, he looked dirty from head to foot.
To understand how Lotus can hurt your knee, visualize lifting your right foot up and placing it atop your left thigh.
Around the same time, a massive volcanic eruption in the Wrangell Mountains in Alaska occurred, blanketing the area in a layer of ash, up to a foot deep, called the White River tephra.
You were complete free to chose whether to take the left foot up or the right foot up. I had not said anything about it; you just decided.
Already, the skeleton of an enormous conveyor belt snakes out of the refinery and up to the foot of the mountain.
And then as you're walking down, you don't want to cross over, because if you walk like this, as soon as your foot goes up, you're gonna lose your balance, or potentially lose your balance.
When interviewing for a job, we all want to put our best foot forward, but sometimes we end up putting it in our mouths instead.
The most common coping strategy, though, is simply to increase the number of paying people per square foot of dwelling space — by doubling up or renting to couch-surfers.
On foot, he camps out on street corners to assess passing pedestrians, swaying toward passing dresses like someone keyed up for a game of Whac-A-Mole.
The next day the team began to sieve the loose, sandy silt around the spot-more hand bones and foot bones turned up.
Now he was at home, taking a nap after a long lunch, when his wife, Cathy, kicked his foot to wake him up.
I tried to imagine him up there, Miller, foot stuck in the stairwell in some odd way that prevented him from falling like the rest of us.
Using the device's on-board camera and thermal-imaging technology, the operator was able to pick up the suspect through his body heat and direct foot patrols to his location.
It is estimated that with basic diabetes management and care, up to 80% of all diabetic foot amputations can be prevented.
This fellow grew up in England, but an unusual foot bone shows he's related to the archer-the archer, it seems, came to England and raised a family.
And CAT scans of Tut turned up foot deformities, like a missing toe bone, and bone necrosis, which means some of his foot bones were dying due to poor blood circulation.
I recovered spirits sufficient to hear Joseph's eternal lectures without weeping, and to move up and down the house less with the foot of a frightened thief than formerly.
This suction effect increases wind speeds by up to 30 percent at each of the 95-foot-long rotors to boost electricity production.
It has a 150-foot wingspan, will cruise at approximately 150 knots and can carry up to a 450-pound payload.
Sit as in Burmese posture but bring one foot or both feet right up on to your thighs.
His running kept the Portuguese defence on the back foot, his passing opened up gaps for team-mates to exploit, and when he found himself in front of goal, he let fly.
His running kept the Portuguese defence on the back foot, his passing opened up gaps for team-mates to exploit, and when he found himself in front of goal, he let fly.