For a complete list, refer to the WSCI document.
See Resources for a complete list of coding standards.
For a complete list of improvements, see Scott Guthrie's blog.
You're then redirected to the Mevenide site for a complete list of features.
For a complete list of assembly attributes, see Setting assembly attributes.
There are far more options; check rsync --help and man rsync for a complete list.
rsync还有许多选项;可以通过 rsync --help和man rsync 了解所有选项。
For a complete list of supported protocols, type BZR help urlspec at the command line.
在命令行上输入bzr helpurlspec就可以看到支持的协议的完整列表。
For a complete list of unsupported databases, refer to the Domino 7 Administrator Help.
Refer to Administrator's Guide for a complete list of virtual processors and their functions.
有关虚拟处理器及其功能的完整列表,请参阅administrator 'sGuide。
Application must be made to Guoji Shudian, Beijing, China for a complete list of new books.
For a complete list of standard feeds, refer to the YouTube Data API Developer's Guide in Resources.
For a complete list of CSS properties and ie versions that support them, see the MSDN CSS Attributes Index.
Please see the Rails 2.3 Release Notes for a complete list of updates. Installation is accomplish with
请参看Rails 2.3发布说明来了解完整的更新列表。
For a complete list of new features, check the Help section of the Rational Rhapsody Gateway release notes.
Look in the specification (see Resources for a link) for a complete list of request and response parameters.
For a complete list of git commands, execute the man git command to see the online reference information for git.
有关git命令的完整清单,请执行man git命令查看git的在线参考信息。
For a complete list of roles and artifacts see the RUP Requirements Discipline Activities, artifacts, and Workflow.
For a complete list of declaration options and their default Settings, see Creating Prototypes in Managed Code.
See the Calibre documentation or online help for a complete list of toolbar ICONS and the tasks their associated tasks.
For a complete list of the annotations provided by the JAX-RS specification, see the JSR-311 link in the Resources section.
对于由JAX - RS规范提供的注释的完整列表,可以参考本文的参考资料部分给出的JSR- 311链接。
For a complete list of articles from this issue available on ARTINFO, see Modern Painters' November 2009 Table of Contents.
ARTINFO上有完整的文章目录,请参阅“现代画家2009年11月目录 ”。
For a complete list of operating system and system requirements, please read the Installation Guidelines that accompany the product.
For a complete list of quake questions and answers, see our quake questions page. For our complete coverage of the crisis in Japan, see our Japan Earthquake page.
For a complete list of changes, we recommend all 1.0 users check out the new reference guide as well as the 2.0 reference applications which are designed to show best practice.
A British study took these findings one step further, asking subjects to complete a creative challenge (coming up with a list of alternative uses for a household item) .
For example, when you have a complete list of requirements after your interviews, you can then build a prototype of the system or product.
To make sure everyone on my team understands my definition of what "complete" means, I provide a detail task list template for everyone to use as an estimation worksheet.
It might also include a check list of activities that need to be undertaken for the proposal process to be considered complete.
It might also include a check list of activities that need to be undertaken for the proposal process to be considered complete.