Now that IMAX films can be delivered digitally for a few hundred dollars, they can be programmed more like ordinary films.
Don't expect to pay more than a few dollars per head for a slap-up lunch of dumplings and side dishes.
You know how badly you want to get away from your monotonous work schedule and more importantly, how you have scraped up a few dollars for this trip!
It's hard for organizations to justify annual maintenance costs of tens of thousands of us dollars or more if they only have a few OpenVMS applications that are "mission-critical."
There are many quality instructional trading manuals that sell for a few hundred dollars or less that will contribute much more to your education and long term success.
For a few dollars you can purchase a tree that will give you decades of fruits or nuts, flowers and shade, a quieter and more beautiful home.
Now that IMAX films can be delivered digitally for a few hundred dollars, they can beprogrammed more like ordinary films.
现在IMAX电影可以花费数百美元通过数字化传送,他们也可以像普通电影被程式化。 鞭。
Local councilors have control over a budget of just a few hundred us dollars, enough to organise modest end-of-year parties for children and the elderly, but nothing more.
For example buying a pan from the dollar store is most likely going to cost a lot more than a few dollars. Especially when it melts all over your stove which you now have to replace.
For example buying a pan from the dollar store is most likely going to cost a lot more than a few dollars. Especially when it melts all over your stove which you now have to replace.