He also wrote lyrics for a song to show his dream and express his love for his mother.
We knocked her AMCTI for a song.
The wording on the artwork is the lyrics for a song .
All of these lovely things by which he had set great store went for a song.
They are sold for a song and can turn out to be worth thousands of dollars.
And they all lived happily ever afterwards — which sounds like the cue for a song.
The "unused as new" watches do not carry an asking price but it is expected they will go for a song.
The “unused as new” watches do not carry an asking price but it is expected they will go for a song.
This is a very fashionable area of town now, but when we first came the houses were going for a song.
Distressed assets can be bought for a song, talented people hired cheaply and new ideas given an airing.
When I was in Vietnam I bought some beautiful lacquerware for a song. I still can't believe how cheap it was.
Bear was going for a song, but that was better than bankruptcy, which might have caused global markets to collapse.
I bought this 91ford for a song, about half of what I expected to pay. And I've had good luck with it - it runs like a new car.
Locals swap stories of cunning borrowers who buy second homes for a song before deliberately defaulting on their first mortgages.
I bought Dickan expensive pen, but he sold it for a song and then he lied tome, saying that he has lost it. I really got irritated!
Henry bought this factory at a rather high price four years ago. But now he can only sell it for a song, because of the depression.
That film, bizarrely for what was in effect a slide-show with lots of charts, did well at the box office and won two Oscars (although one was for a song).
The same holds true for a Song of Ice and Fire, where despite the fantastical setting, people behave like real people with real motivations for their actions.
page. When users click on a link for a song they like in the search results, a Top100 window pops up carrying a music player or a download button along with an ad.
They remembered then that they could have bought for a song canvases which now were worth such large sums, and they could not forgive themselves for the opportunity which had escaped them.
It helps that there are lots of almost empty container ships sailing back to Asia after unloading consumer goods in Europe and America: they will usually carry secondhand paper and plastic for a song.
To see what Hughes' blues poetry might have been like if he had truly adopted the classic blues as his model, one need only look to "Golden Brown Blues", a song lyric Hughes wrote for composer Handy.
Dozens of recording stars began converging on a Hollywood studio Monday to add their voices to a song they hope will raise millions of dollars for Haitian earthquake relief.
About halfway through her song, she reached for a wig, which was sitting atop her piano, and positioned it on her bare head.
Jackie Chan records a theme song for an event in Beijing. And he says he's careful about what he endorses.
We already know that Justin Bieber and a song from Rent are on tap for Glee this season.
I am sure, it was a song sung by the animals of long ago and have been lost to memory for many years.
For example, birds may expend more of their reserves on thermoregulation if they spend the night exposed to the wind on a song post than if they are in a sheltered roost site.
How about singing a song for him?
How about singing a song for him?