For a split second, the utter contempt in Snape's eyes seemed to waiver.
But Lorian suddenly turned, leaving his back exposed for a split second, and ran at the wall.
The thought really crossed my mind for a split second - 'there is no way' [I am going to catch up].
There are moments in a match when the ball hits the top of the net, and for a split second it can either go forward or fall back.
For a split second, when most of the sun's globe is below the horizon, the only part showing is that blue-green sliver along the top.
For a split second Wormtail gazed into the apparently empty cellar, ablaze with light from the three miniature suns floating in midair.
Lifting your front foot first to take a step backwards will take you slightly off balance for a split second and that's all your opponent will need.
That odd noise that just came from the attic or the "face" you just saw hovering for a split second outside your window - these things can really stir your thoughts.
The results revealed the participants' estimates of aggression correlated highly with the actual aggressive behaviour of the men-even if they only saw the picture for a split second.
The results revealed the participants' estimates of aggression correlated highly with the actual aggressive behaviour of the men - even if they only saw the picture for a split second.
In a second set of experiments, a new set of 37 volunteers were presented with the 'trustworthy' and 'untrustworthy' images for a split second, while their brain activity was monitored.
The second for loop also shows how to split a string into a list of substrings (using the space character to indicate the boundaries of substrings).
Repeat Step 2 but this time, do it moderately fast with holding the breath for only a split second. You may need to increase the force.
The disciple replied, "This donkey is better than a mason, for it can break things in a split second what a mason has made over a long time."
弟子答言:“此驴胜于瓦师。 瓦师久时所作瓦器,少时能破。”
But then I got drawn into the discussion and for a second-a brief split second-i forgot about death.
For me personally, I know that life can change in a split second and it's a feeling I had because I like to live in the fast lane. I guess it's fate, but I'm not 30 yet, I shouldn't jinx myself!
In that split second, desperation overcame pride, I blurted, "Could you possibly give me a lift?" I hurriedly explained, "I never ask anybody for a lift, but?"
In that split second, desperation overcame pride, I blurted, "Could you possibly give me a lift?" I hurriedly explained, "I never ask anybody for a lift, but?"