One reason is that more countries are big oil producers now, so the nations suffering from the price drop account for a larger share of the global economy.
One account of the story goes that as she was taking a walk in her husband's gardens, she discovered that silkworms were responsible for the destruction of several mulberry trees.
Arts and crafts including weaving palm fans will account for one of the many rainforest activities.
You need to take the overall long-term maintenance of the system into account when deciding which platform is the right one for a given business problem.
In this case, there is only one suspect and the fact that this data structure can account for 84 percent of the total heap size of the primary dump identifies this as a very likely suspect.
A password change for the service account or the retiring of one application (and therefore, its service account) will not affect the other application (see Table 3).
In 2005, Tower Group reported that core systems account for one-half of total IT spending in a bank and account for three-quarters of the total maintenance in IT.
年,TowerGroup指出,核心系统在银行的总体IT开销方面占了一半的份额,而在 IT 总体维护工作中占到了四分之三的份额。
In order to use for production one of JumpBox’s images, one needs to have one of the virtualization platforms supported or an EC2 account.
He took all afternoon on each one of them, on account of having to hunt for each letter on the typewriter.
Consider a banking application where there is a very large account table for one of the dimensions.
It is also one of the oddest expressions ever invented. But this oddity may in large measure account for its popularity.
If it falls right between two levels, you may need to define a new level to account for the difference, or incorporate the characteristics into one of your existing levels.
Together, they account for almost one-third of Israel's population.
Voters ages 65 and older account for more than one-quarter of the electorate and vote at higher rates than other age groups.
The 13 gene sets associated with "apples and pears" only account for about one percent of the variety in waist-to-hip ratios among the population.
The population of New Orleans has been declining. Whites account for less than one-third of the total, whereas in 1960 they made up almost two-thirds.
After many days, when time sufficed for the people to arrange their thoughts in reference to the foregoing scene, there was more than one account of what had been witnessed on the scaffold.
However, they also devote less time to unpaid work such as household chores and childcare, activities that account for around one third of the OECD's GDP.
Potatoes: Potatoes are a staple of the American diet - one survey found they account for 30 percent of our overall vegetable consumption.
Together, China and the United States account for about one third of the world economy, one quarter of the world population and one fifth of the international trade.
By 2030, singles will account for 45% of the UK population compared with around one-third currently.
Last year Wuling became the first brand in China to sell a million cars in a year. This year, it's expected to account for nearly one-sixth of GM vehicle sales world-wide.
This is the best way to account for basic issues, such as forgetting to make one of the attributes stored in the session serializable, which could cause larger issues in a production environment.
With households accounting for around one-third of US energy consumption and emissions when personal travel is taken into account, the decisions individuals make can have a huge impact.
One might expect rapid productivity gains in finance, telecoms and business services, but they account for only 28% of India's total services output.
China and India between them already account for one-quarter of world consumption of palm oil and more than one-third of world imports.
China and India between them already account for one-quarter of world consumption of palm oil and more than one-third of world imports.