Her screen career, for all practical purposes, had guttered out.
For all practical purposes, you've now got two empty divs.
His authority over the Fleet was for all practical purposes absolute.
Now, for all practical purposes, the md devices are just like any other partition.
The sale was supposed to last for a week, but for all practical purposes it's over.
For all practical purposes the debate about who discovered HIV was finally settled.
For all practical purposes, the priority of this task has been lowered during the delay period.
The Rockefellers' wealth, while it was carefully managed, was for all practical purposes unlimited.
For all practical purposes the priority of this task has been lowered during the delay period.
When you drop the unit into low lamp mode, fan noise becomes for all practical purposes nonexistent.
For all practical purposes, if someone is not breathing, that's the sign that there is no life there.
As mentioned before, the biological nature of man is, for all practical purposes, not subject to change.
"In addition", he said, "these puppets have the advantage of being for all practical purposes weightless."
He does so little work in the office that for all practical purposes it would make no difference if he didn't come.
For all practical purposes, there are few instances in which directly embedding style information into an MXML file makes sense.
For all practical purposes, the notion that countries engaged in competitive devaluation during the 1930s is simply erroneous.
The NASdefines a fact as “an observation that has been repeatedly confirmedand for all practical purposes is accepted as ‘true.’”
Logical volumes are the LVM equivalent of physical disks partitions-for all practical purposes, they are physical disk partitions.
Any certificate signed by one of the default commercial CAs would be accepted; for all practical purposes, this means that anyone can connect.
With America’s help, India has not only kept its nukes, but has been accepted for all practical purposes, and with extra benefits, as a nuclear power.
The term subsidy is often used in the economic context, but the concept behind it fails to have been defined appropriately for all practical purposes.
So, in this case, even though some dead objects are taking up memory while the program is being executed, it really doesn't matter for all practical purposes.
Before you can use the content of a profile (for all practical purposes, that means stereotypes) in a model, the profile itself has to be applied to the model.
For all practical purposes, Assad has concluded that Mubarak and Ben Ali were too quick to quit, and Gaddafi and Saleh were too late to respond by using decisive force.
The financial crisis is, for all practical purposes, over, and forecasters are now generally expecting the job market to turn around early in 2010 and begin creating jobs.
In the context of programming languages, duck typing means that if an object responds to the methods of a type, then for all practical purposes, you can treat it like that type.
In the context of programming languages, duck typing means that if an object responds to the methods of a type, then for all practical purposes, you can treat it like that type.