His mask of detachment cracked, and she saw for an instant an angry and violent man.
Certainly a little narrow face, with hard eyes, had flashed up for an instant from a hole, and was gone.
The telegram asked for an instant reply.
For an instant, I felt a thrill of genuine fear, raising the hair on my arms.
She looked into the distance, and the old terror flamed up for an instant, then sank again.
But only ground to a stop a, descend for an instant, the Fu bottom is again going to kiss her.
But, do not believe for an instant that there aren't other small errors out there that lead to compromise.
Jean Valjean did not hesitate for an instant. Unexpected as was this encounter, this man was known to him.
Snap clip-on earrings onto flats for an instant evening shoe, or onto shirt collars for DIY embellishments.
Her eyes rested for an instant on the three francs I left for the waiter, and I knew that she thought me mean.
He saw Ann, still is an anything that vanishes, is so apparently to let her know for an instant what is cherish.
For an instant, each was tempted to lapse into the old, familiar progression of movements toward further intimacies.
She gave birth to son Lucas before the lavish wedding in St. Petersburg, and for an instant, her career looked bleak.
Bingley, she had likewise seen for an instant, and in that short period saw him looking both pleased and embarrassed.
She met his eyes for an instant, but was immediately constrained to give all her attention to the scene now going forward.
Carrots contain a high concentration of sugars which are easily absorbed by the body for an instant workout energy boost.
I made up my mind for broken bones, at least; but she only glared about her for an instant, and then rushed from the room.
Presently he began to retire backward, step by step, never for an instant removing his eyes from what he saw, or thought he saw.
The yellow leaf seems to be for an instant winding was last hilltop, the campus starts a day a day transformation wearing a color.
Biddy looked at me for an instant, and went on with her sewing. 'I was your first teacher though; wasn't I?' said she, as she sewed.
The moon gave a start, as though affected by that gesture of theirs, and it seemed for an instant to recover its energy and to climb again.
Some say every loss of life, it is for the living, even if this revelation is short, even only for an instant, it is worth to cherish to face.
Successful joy probably the brilliance which bring for an instant, but pain and sufferings of failure can become a wealth of the abyss of time.
The old man's eyelids, pale and thin like rice paper, flickered. For an instant, his pupils seemed to center on the young man's face, then drifted away.
Looking around for an instant, Jose realized they had ended up in a dangerous spot. Vehicles wouldn't see them clearly until they came around the bend.
Looking around for an instant, Jose realized they had ended up in a dangerous spot. Vehicles wouldn't see them clearly until they came around the bend.