Right now, for instance, you can't build a web application that relies on Hibernate, although this could change in the future (see Resources).
For instance, boys and girls now share the same right of being educated, which was impossible in the past.
For instance, right now it is possible to be aware of these words on the page while also being aware of yourself reading them.
And maybe it's getting a little more frequent. Right now, for instance, I'm taking a little break for Blitz after every paragraph I write.
For instance, many thing seemed right to us in the past are challenged and questioned now.
'Take yourself, for instance,' he went on saying. 'Right now you don't know whether you are coming or going. And that is so, because I have erased my personal history.
Right now it's a simple template, but it's a template for creating what a class looks like, and I now have an x- and y- value associated with each instance of this.
For instance, right now it is geared toward newly issued securities.
Right now, for instance, we are sharing information with China about our Green Chemistry Initiative that we have passed here in California.
It's not hard to imagine, for instance, how introductions will be transformed in this new world. Right now, introductions are written with the assumption that people have already bought the book.
For instance, now the bank personal account serves the ability and credit depending on the bank or the bank persons concerned on right away very big degree.
For instance, now the bank personal account serves the ability and credit depending on the bank or the bank persons concerned on right away very big degree.