And already 1 billion people go to bed hungry each night, partly for lack of water to grow food.
When I came back home, I was surprised to see the flowers in the garden drooped for lack of water.
By a more rebuke I dry up the sea, I turn rivers into a desert their fish rot for lack of water and die fo thirst.
A lot of patients look forward to gardening and caring for their plants, which would wither and die for lack of water without them.
Despite the rich mineral resources in some regions of China, the mineral deposits are rendered unable to be exploited and utilized for lack of water sources.
Several "colonies" that grew up around the edges of Delhi have been abandoned for lack of water connections, and much of Bangalore is subject to water rationing during the dry season.
Perhaps for us, water, electricity, food, these resources are inexhaustible, but, you may want to: on the other side of the earth, people died for lack of water, lost their lives because of hunger.
For years the natural gas drilling industry has decried the lack of data that could prove-or disprove-that drilling can cause drinking water contamination.
The world isn’t running out of water. There is a lack of access to water and especially clean water for many folks.
The reason for the generic composition is due to the form of water (which we will talk about later) not necessarily because of the lack of imagination of the photographer.
The lack of light explains why spectrometers — instruments that can be used for remote water detection but rely on reflected light to do so — never picked up on the water.
Its Food For Skin report highlights a lack of any robust studies backing up the popular advice that water makes the complexion glow.
Lack of access to water, sanitation and hygiene affects the health, security, livelihood and quality of life for children, impacting women and girls first and most.
Mohamed Abu Tunyan, a worker from Bangladesh, explains that the shelling and the lack of food and water made living conditions dire for himself and hundreds of other Bangladeshis.
The rest perished through lack of water - or were slaughtered for meat so her family could survive a few more days on their journey.
After the fighters fled, animals were stolen and in some cases eaten by looters, or died for lack of food and water.
The unsteady free water sheet flow in the rotating bucket of a Pelton turbine is a very complex flow that cannot be accurately simulated for lack of a numerical method.
Water soluble vitamins are also regulatorsof the intermediary metabolism of protein, fats and carbohydrates (energy) anda lack of any one can increase the need for the others.
As he cannot pump enough water out of the well, irrigation for his cornfield has become impossible and he's faced with losing his flock of 100 sheep and 20 oxen because of lack of fodder.
The lack of proper treatment for the majority of flows in the main urban area around Victoria Harbour has resulted in poor water quality there.
The lack of water sources can constitute one of the latent reasons for causing disputes between developing countries and areas in the next century.
Millions of people don't have enough water for drinking, many of them die because of lack of water.
Their lack of water was not for want of backbreaking work in trying to find the stuff.
Their lack of water was not for want of backbreaking work in trying to find the stuff.