It was specifically to provide city dwellers with spaces for leisure where they could experience a refreshing air.
With the time spent eating, sleeping, and taking care of household duties, there's little time left for leisure activities for many Americans.
With the time spent eating, sleeping and taking care of the household duties, there's little time left for leisure activities for many Americans.
It provides relaxation for leisure hours.
A: Sounds like some terrific plans for leisure.
Fortune Select Excalibur is ideal for leisure and business travelers alike.
Part III The aims, paradigms, methods and conditions of the education for leisure.
Places for Leisure, Recreation, and Dining for Socializing with Family and Friends.
Square City square is a place for leisure, and also a place that children like to play on.
People in advanced industrial societies are increasingly concerned with opportunities for leisure.
When we have time for leisure we tend to fill that time with physical activity or with passive TV viewing.
We're seeing encouraging rises in demand with sustained positive booking and revenue growth for leisure travel.
As you might expect, retirees have a lot more time for leisure activities than people who are still working.
Bangkok is one of the best bargains for tourists from all around the world. For leisure, it's also hard to beat.
The exterior is highly original, especially the undulating roof which also serves as a green terrace for leisure.
Women wear trousers at the weekend and for leisure so the skirt suit has become far more associated with successful women.
The less people spend on daily necessities, the more arrangements they will make for leisure activities such as travelling.
With the first of those scarcely five months away, and the general election only nine months after that, they have no time for leisure.
From June to September, Americans have traditionally taken to the roads in droves, clocking up thousands of miles for leisure and pleasure.
Moral education is the spirit of the whole education system, thus, the problem of college students moral education for leisure is emerging.
Moral education is the spirit of the whole education system, thus, the problem of college students' moral education for leisure is emerging.
The "petals" provide shading for leisure and activities in the terraces, and integrated landscape through the complex introduces crucial green space.
A society that gives to one class all the opportunities for leisure, and to another all the burdens of work, dooms both classes to spiritual sterility.
Features: apple shoes quality better, the price is more expensive. Pay attention to appearance and majority, suitable for leisure travel shoes to wear.
In the long postwar boom, prosperity and higher living standards created different expectations for leisure and entertainment, as well as more refined attitudes.
The use of robots for routine operations in the future will also spare additional time of the crew for leisure or for the fulfillment of other important tasks.
The use of robots for routine operations in the future will also spare additional time of the crew for leisure or for the fulfillment of other important tasks.