But when they're in the fridge for the rest of my family whilst I'm at home, it takes an absolutely enormous amount of willpower for me to resist it.
However, I've noticed that over time, it became easier and easier for me to resist until I got to a point where I just didn't feel like I wanted to eat any at all.
When my children ask me for something, as their father I cannot resist the pull that it invokes on my fatherly heartstrings to give them the best that I have to offer.
But allow me to pause for a moment and throw another sandbag on the levee of those trying to resist this tide.
As for me … this piece took an additional hour to write because I couldn’t resist checking my email, as well as following up my tweets on Twitter and reading my Facebook and LinkedIn mail.
It was not easy to resist the allurements of a way of life which enabled me to cater for Marguerite's innumerable whims without feeling the pinch.
And I recognize that this is Your will for me, and I therefore reject and resist all the endeavors of Satan and of his demons to rob me of the will of God.
But allow me to pause for a moment and throw another sandbag on the levee4 of those trying to resist this tide.
But allow me to pause for a moment and throw another sandbag on the levee4 of those trying to resist this tide.