The melody and the lyrics are simple but for some reason I am moved by this song.
"For some reason I got off on the tie thing, which was so the least of it," Babrowski says.
For some reason I crave sweets, so is there anything that I would like to eat in the winter?
For some reason I walk as quietly as possible-and standing on my toes I look inside the house.
All of a sudden Satya, for some reason I do not remember, wanted to frighten me by Shouting, "Policeman!"
So, if for some reason I was having a bad month and spent a little too much I could just pay the minimum?
For some reason I generally use double-lipped for orchestra and single-lipped for band. Don't ask me why!
I don't plan to marry again, but if for some reason I must, I might consider tying that knot with a robot.
For some reason I am looking for the store manager, Mr. Joshua, but nobody can tell me where to find him.
For some reason I have always felt at home here at Inter and this is why I have never thought of leaving.
For some reason I had it in my head that there was a frog in the bath. I think that was because I was half asleep.
For some reason I didn't feel especially nervous or excited, mostly bored, as I had been for the past several weeks.
For some reason I really fancied this idea about pyramids with a Pharaoh, and having to go tunnel under the pyramids.
However, I would get upset when she would do things to try and help because for some reason I thought I didn't need any help.
We were getting up and walking away and for some reason I thought it would be cool to get a picture of my Cousins and brother.
And while for some reason I feel like I should be embarrassed by this fact (as in "real people don't do Christmas"), I love the holidays.
I have seen many other snowfalls, I wrote, but for some reason I always remember that night when the blizzard came on Christmas Eve.
"I have seen many other snowfalls." I wrote, "but for some reason I always remember that night when the blizzard came on Chritmas Eve."
In normal circumstances my ball would never go that short or that left but for some reason I was worried that the caddies did not see us on the tee.
Finally I jumped into the air and did some flying, and for some reason I saw a tree that seemed unusually realistic looking, so I flew in for a closer look.
For some reason I can’t explain, our watches had stopped—perhaps because we had forgotten to wind them—and without watches we felt as if time, too, had frozen.
We even talked to a vegetarian, Gwen Sharp, about this, who said, "I have long thought if for some reason I ever started eating meat again, I would start with bacon."
Like I have said to some of you guys, and you've seen on the column on my website, for some reason I could not confirm that I would be racing - but I didn't feel Interlagos was my last race.
The face in the picture was that of alovely young lady, and for some reason I had trouble recognizing her from thehalls of Webster’s home, the girl who had caught my attention on first glance.
I want to apologize for not coming to your birthday party. The reason that I didn't show up was because I had to do some work for my teacher.
For some reason, I really liked the language, but I was not very good at learning it.
For some reason, I really liked the language, but I was not very good at learning it.