For some reason or other only one of these had been used and canceled; the other still lay in the vaults of the Bank.
Nurture friendships - you know the people who for some reason or other welcome you into their lives?
After seven years she was brought home again for some reason or other, but she had no toes left. She had danced them off.
For some reason or other the B.B.C. are always asking me to tell a ghost story-at least, they don't ask me, they tell me I've got to.
由于某些原因b.b.c .老是叫我讲一个鬼故事,他们不是请求,而是告诉我我必须这么做。
Fine, but don't feel too bad if it can't arrange for some reason or other. As I said earlier, my suggestion is just in your consideration.
Zhao participated in preparations for the gala in 2011 and 2012, but for some reason or other did not get on stage. The gala was first held in 1983.
Kruger took a shine to me for some reason or other; it was impossible to get away from him once he discovered that I was willing to listen to his "esoteric" ideas.
If, for some reason or other, you gathered tons of books and didn't read even one of them during the last year, I promise you, donating them is the best thing you can do.
Or imagine a fantastic, database-driven application that, for some reason or other, is never used because it's buried deep within the bowels of the site's information architecture.
If I accidentally had my attention drawn to the fact that some other boy knew less than myself, I concluded, not that I knew much, but that he, for some reason or other, knew little.
Well, for some reason or other, none of the major New York newspapers seemed to be very eager for my services, and the only place I could find an opening was on The Wall Street Journal.
The true friend, I don't know, the true friendship, you mean somebody who is friendly at some point for no other reason except for the pleasure of conversing with that or sharing ideas, not making up.
Friends are a significant aspect of any child's life, and parents with happy children must know who their friends are, and if they don't have any for some reason or the other.
First, they often trade against parties who are buying or selling for some reason other than profit.
The key to their study, though, was in showing that the infants were really imitating the experimenter rather than just sticking their tongues out or opening their mouths for some other reason.
But there are very few companies that have been able to get to tens of millions of users that have failed, other than for being sued or some other reason like that.
But for the typical web application, accepting data from a form or other location, and then using that data in some form, is precisely the reason you are using a scripted solution in the first place.
If your Windows installation has issues, or for some other unmentionable reason is unable to get updates from the Windows server, this is what you need to do.
Some people may be out of jealousy, or other for some reason, the idea began to constantly try to invade my personal space.
For this reason, with some terms and phases, there is an explanation of its application or alternative words that may be commonly encountered in other disciplines, agencies or geographic areas.
For this reason, with some terms and phases, there is an explanation of its application or alternative words that may be commonly encountered in other disciplines, agencies or geographic areas.