The product they're selling is data, and we, the users, convert our lives to data for the benefit of the digital giants.
If the moderate end of the legal community has its way, the information on products might actually be provided for the benefit of customers and not as protection against legal liability.
I have typed out some lecture notes for the benefit of those people who were absent last week.
There is no doubt that being honest is for the benefit of the country and the individual.
Both the wildlife park and zoo claimed to be operating for the benefit of the animals and for conservation purposes.
For a company in this situation, keeping up to date with the latest technology, even if it's only for the benefit of key staff, this can be hugely expensive.
They Labour assiduously for the benefit of future generations.
This implied wage cuts or higher unemployment, all for the benefit of creditors.
So, for the benefit of project management, we have to be content with shorter-term goals.
This mapping of the URI and namespace prefix is only for the benefit of the developer.
I was trying to get at the root of the problem - for the benefit of womankind, and for myself.
So the plant worked for the benefit of Russia, till in 1774 it was captured by Pugachev's rebels.
For the benefit of those who haven't seen the film, a little nonspoiler background might be useful.
If you decide you want to work for the benefit of others don't just think about it once and then forget it.
There are also many positive acts for the benefit of others, which he may rightfully be compelled to perform;
The purpose of the Bankruptcy Code is to reorganize or liquidate a failing firm "for the benefit of its creditors".
Also, the file system has to know how to organize files in a hierarchy, again for the benefit of those pesky humans.
The stricken Afghan bank had for years been run as a giant Ponzi scheme for the benefit of powerful shareholders.
Therefore it becomes very important for all of us to think about the whole world and try to work for the benefit of all.
In other words, sprinters sacrifice the mechanical advantage of a long lever for the benefit of a stronger push-off.
Cameras? What cameras? Hilton did her usual preening and posing on the beach for the benefit of the waiting paparazzi.
"Love means giving up-yielding my preferences, comfort, goals, security, money, energy, or time for the benefit of someone else."
Let's make concerted efforts in preserving the vastness of outer space a tranquil place for the benefit of our future generations.
The Cayman company also needed a way to get access to the profits of the Chinese operations for the benefit of the shareholders.
The availability of images calls for the accounting department to make modifications to the query for the benefit of the auditor.
He looked forward to continuing consolidation of the friendly and cooperative ties in the future for the benefit of both peoples.
You can't improve this situation by adding to our mountain of public debt for the benefit of big Banks and other special interests.
This requires they publish revenues from mining resources and agree to use these resources efficiently for the benefit of the people.
This requires they publish revenues from mining resources and agree to use these resources efficiently for the benefit of the people.