For example, you spend all your life pining away for your partner hundreds or thousands of miles away when the thing that needs doing - your job, your degree, your life - is put on hold.
If you've got a soft spot for the tall, dark and handsome archetype, chances are your real-life partner is short, blond and, well, not so toothsome.
Find a way to make this work for your life. Your partner will be quite special to you - adding all the right enthusiasm, fresh ideas, and contacts that you need.
If you're looking for a life partner, tell the truth about yourself - and expect the truth from others.
Most women whom I know are not ready to give the breathing space for their partner once when they enter marriage life.
Just as you've strived for your parents' approval throughout your life, seeking those heavily-weighted words of acceptance, you want the same from your partner.
Make a conscious decision to go (or not to go) pet-less for the rest of your life for a partner who's allergic to your pets.
Increasing materialism and the pressures of Chinese life made it harder for young people to find a partner, while parents still expected their children to marry young, he said.
Life can get routine. There's nothing better than knowing your partner still has the hots for you all these years later. Plus, who doesn't appreciate surprises?
His unconscious was so cowardly that the best partner he could choose for his life comedy was this miserable provincial waitress with practically no chance at all to enter his life.
Michael Buble and George Clooney are favourite males among the older generation, but when it comes to finding a partner for life, older women are not bothered by a beautiful face.
When looking for the perfect partner, be prepared to compromise - life is about give and take.
Darrell, how could you let Nigel sell all his shares and leave the company? You told me he would be your business partner for life.
The play is tentatively scheduled for 50 episodes, Gi Tae-Yeong as a "life" to handsome male host is to partner with Sun Xianzhu.
"Future" area show with super high definition and telescope function of "universal camera", will play the violin "partner robot" and for the living room wall and TV integration "life wall".
You are not meeting a potential life partner, but chatting for 30 seconds waiting for the lift.
This woman wants the same thing most women want: to find a partner she can trust to love, honor and cherish her, and to live with that person happily and faithfully for the rest of her life.
He also indicated that the MP's motivation for at least some of the offences was a desire to conceal the nature of his private life (Mr Laws's partner is a man) rather than greed.
Thanks you for being my partner in my life, filling my heart. I feel like the happiest person, my life with you, with love, always.
He became a partner in an old firm in nearby Chelmsford and stayed there for the rest of his working life.
Let the love consultant to know your request for seleting a life partner, and they will give some ideas and suggestions to you.
When I met the man who became my partner for life, we looked each other straight in the eye, and he told me I was beautiful inside and out.
ON AUGUST 2nd Magdalena Luczak and her partner, Mariusz Krezolek, were jailed for life for the murder of her four-year-old son, Daniel.
It was perhaps to the accompaniment of Hotel California that you first met your partner for life.
It was perhaps to the accompaniment of Hotel California that you first met your partner for life.