The Turtles played the odds for the long haul.
His successor also seems to be settling in for the long haul.
"I'm doing this for the long haul," I'd tell myself and my critics.
Provisions for the long haul. Live in gated compounds with mercenaries guarding them.
The key here is to make the debt reduction part of your ongoing activities for the long haul.
Even a World Cup-winning number one, Fabien Barthez, didn't hang around for the long haul.
And this task ofmaking America more competitive for the long haul, that’s a job for all ofus.
Many people allow that to keep them frustrated and stuck—not just for now, but for the long haul.
You wife may not be thinking about being around for the long haul and want to get what she can now.
Be prepared for the long haul with this one, though. Biologists estimate that it could take thousands of years.
Of course, these are private Spaces, not freely accessible public roads, so it's an initiative for the long haul.
We weren't brilliant yesterday night against Arezzo, but this is in part because we are preparing for the long haul.
Initially, everything went to plan: I boarded the commercial plane and changed into my pyjamas ready for the long haul.
If Nokia wants to really make some waves with their services, they're going to need to commit to them for the long haul.
Because they have megabucks stashed away. Provisions for the long haul. Live in gated compounds with mercenaries guarding them.
Social networking sites might have seemed as if they'd follow the same route, but all signs suggest they're here for the long haul.
Every article that I read about botnets mentions that this problem is here for the long haul, stating simple economics as the reason.
Probably not a long time, so like everything in life, the best thing to do is prepared for the long haul and be comfy at the same time.
恐怕跑不了多久吧。 这就跟生活中其他的一切事情一样,最好的方式就是做好长时间的准备同时让自己保持舒服的状态。
Don’t just do great work once or sporadically – do it consistently, for the long haul. And do it by working at 85% capacity with 100% focus.
Saturn and Venus align in fellow air signs Libra and Aquarius to help reveal a new avenue that will immensely appeal to you for the long haul.
If dreams are there to help file away memories for the long haul, why do they sometimes seem so surreal-not the literal way life happens to us?
The former boss of AT&T took over at GM only last December, but the bankers handling the IPO feared that, at 68, he might not be around for the long haul.
作为AT&T前任老板的Ed Whitacre是在去年12月份转任通用老总的,但是负责代理通用上市的银行却担心68岁的Ed Whitacre将缺席这项长期的重任。
The former boss of AT&T took over at GM only last December, but the bankers handling the IPO feared that, at 68, he might not be around for the long haul.
作为AT&T前任老板的Ed Whitacre是在去年12月份转任通用老总的,但是负责代理通用上市的银行却担心68岁的Ed Whitacre将缺席这项长期的重任。