When we were finally finished... completely drenched through and covered in mud... we hosed off at the fire truck and then changed into dry clothes for the ride home.
After being appropriately (sans alcohol) wined and dined, Fiat transported them individually to one of the area airports for the plane ride home.
Let's ride across the swamp to Abel Wynder's place and tell him we're all four home again and ready for drill.
We shall prove ourselves once again able to defend our island home, to ride out the storm of war, and to outlive the menace of tyranny, if necessary for years, if necessary alone.
Normally you can go home on the same day as your surgery, but you won't be able to drive, so arrange for a ride home.
My new job comes with some great perks: the fact that I'm three miles and a short bike ride away; I can come home for lunch and see the dog; I have steady hours and a steady paycheck.
If it's a lose, I get naught - not even a penny for me to ride home on the tram.
After seven years on the road without ever returning home, this married couple from Somerset have already beaten the record for the longest continuous motorbike ride in history.
After serving as an instructor during a Kentucky's basketball camp for women, Patterson encountered a mother in the parking lot who needed a ride home because her husband had experienced car trouble.
For fun, the Landaus bought shares in two horses, Windsong and Bad Baby, and took the kids to the harness RACES in Monticello, packing pajamas for the late-night ride home.
One month ago, the basketball brainiacs favored the Cleveland Cavaliers, owners of the best record in the league and a home-court advantage to die for, or at least ride all the way to the title.
I'd like to ride the wind to fly home. Yet I fear the crystal and jade mansions are much too high and cold for me. Dancing with my moon-lit shadow, it does not seem like the human world.
She offers a cold coke for the ride and she would like to tell you what your kids did the last weekend when you were not at home.
Your dog will be safer and happier waiting for you at home than coming along for the ride, only to be left in the car.
There will always be beer cans rolling on the floor of your car when the boss asks for a ride home from the office.
Please join us for a motorcycle ride to Yang Cheng Lake to eat the famous local Hairy Crabs. We will eat lunch at the home of a local crab farmer. This ride will be on Saturday October 30, 2010.
Please join us for a motorcycle ride to Yang Cheng Lake to eat the famous local Hairy Crabs. We will eat lunch at the home of a local crab farmer. This ride will be on Saturday October 30, 2010.