Tis not much, your Majesty, yet perchance it may beguile a short half-hour for want of a better.
This is not for want of dissatisfied voters or impressive opposition candidates.
But for want of a functioning regional forum, the issue is pursued bilaterally.
Why do so many millions of people continue to die each year for want of access to existing interventions?
That's not for want of trying, though. The US has had zero short-term interest rates for well over two years.
If Adams seems unconcerned with appearing old-fashioned, Stephen Shore is, for want of a better word, a modernist.
This isn't for want of trying: inventors have been working on creating real working jetpacks for more than 60 years, with mixed results.
Better data more openly analysed: exactly what climate sceptics (for want of a better word [2]) say that they want and thus should welcome.
They that be slain with the sword are better than they that be slain with hunger: for these pine away, stricken through for want of the fruits of the field.
On the streets, many people seem prepared to give Mr Correa and his assembly a try, but more for want of any other Suggestions for ending chronic instability.
That is not for want of energy, of which the boss of Cisco Systems has plenty. It is because he is a proud and enthusiastic user of his own company's technology.
For want of this, much vexation and loss of time is occasioned while seeking vessels in use, or in cleansing those employed by different persons for various purposes.
Until men passed the first stage of being, perhaps that which we call the soul, for want of a better name, or a worse, could hardly have existed, and perhaps in dreams the soul is mostly absent now.
We want the government to take notice of what we think they should do for single parents.
They want $20,000 in compensation for each of about 500 claimants.
We want to be helped but helped in the name of truth, with respect to what we are and what we want for ourselves.
While it is normal that you only want the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress.
If you want me to watch the kids for a couple of hours while you go out, just let me know.
If you're unemployed and want some advice on the practical aspects of looking for a job, Saved is the person to talk to.
Many parents work all day long to provide their children with a good living condition, but their kids might want for nothing else but the company of their parents.
Victims want to see justice done not just for themselves, but for the greater good of society.
受害者们希望看到正义得到伸张,这不仅是为了他们自己, 也是为了社会更大的利益。
He didn't want any further involvement for fear of retribution.
While most of their mileage may be in and around town, they still want motorways for longer trips.
It's all very well for you to say it doesn't matter, but I've put a lot of work into this and I want it to be a success.
I want to express my appreciation to all of my friends for their support, especially to Martin Miller, for being there when I needed him.
She doesn't want to use her name for fear of being fired from her job.
We want to lead the way in restoring the health of the ocean for future generations.
Mrs. Darling left the room to get a chocolate for him, and Mr. Darling thought this showed want of firmness.
Mrs. Darling left the room to get a chocolate for him, and Mr. Darling thought this showed want of firmness.