Just you know to be positive to wards life and just be confident with yourself and go for what you believe in, totally.
Gaining the courage and confidence to stand up for what you believe in is not always easy, but it's fully within your reach.
Britney: just you know to be positive to wards life and just be confident with yourself and go for what you believe in, totally.
I've learned that it's hard to determine where to draw the line between being nice and not hurting people's feelings and standing up for what you believe.
You are who you are, and as long as you treat people with respect, stand up for what you believe in, avoid arrogance and love yourself wholeheartedly, you can't go wrong.
To be an effective boss, you must influence others -- people and groups over whom you have no formal control -- to get what your group needs and to work for what you believe is best and right.
要成为高效的管理者,必须具备足够的影响力。 为了实现自己团队的目标,并为自己团队的理想而努力,管理者必须有能力对其职权范围之外的人员和团队施加有效影响。
Heidi, you must not believe what Peter tells you, but try for yourself.
This apparently is what will be the reason for their success this time around... if you believe the hype.
So if you insist on me giving advice, I will certainly not give you a kind of menu or a timetable for change, but I do believe that what America needs is its own perestroika.
As for the impact on China, I believe many of you already discussed that whether there will more hot money inflow and what strategy can be adopted.
Again, go for the Oscar, get your blood pumping, and know there is nothing you can't do when you believe you have what it takes to get it done.
The trick is to take what you believe will work for you right now, put it into practice, and build on your successes.
This helps you learn what a wide variety of people believe is needed for the role's success.
If you believe that you really qualify for that position, then all you need to do is be patient and stay determined to remain ready until you get what you want.
If you believe that "you reap what you sow", then asking for what you want makes much more sense than sowing complaints.
In a fast-paced society it's easy to forget things like what you believe in and what you're doing this (whatever this may be) for.
Spend time finding employees who believe in what you are doing instead of convincing potential hires that they should want to come work for you.
You are each responsible for what you choose to believe and how you live your lives.
If you believe that breastfeeding is important for your baby and for yourself, doing what it takes to continue this beautiful relationship will not seem as difficult.
So some of us thought for themselves, most of us were standing tall and sticking to what you believe even when people are hammering you as you saw this clause in the late 90s.
Depending on what you are looking for, I believe Rational Software Modeler can meet your needs to monitor changes in all of the models in your design.
取决于您的要求,我相信Rational Software Modeler能满足您的需求监控设计中模型的所有变化。
Warden Pope isn't sure what to believe, and Sucre defends himself, "he was acting weird when we lined up for final count." He was sweating, you know?
For example, if I said, "what do most people believe about what happens to you after you're dead?"
Some liars are so good at what they do that it almost seems as if they believe the lies that they tell instead of the truth, and blame you for not believing them.
To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, -that is genius.
It sometimes means setting aside what you have been brought up to believe, to allow an opportunity for the truth to be understood.
It sometimes means setting aside what you have been brought up to believe, to allow an opportunity for the truth to be understood.