You may feel all the training a waste of time, but I'm a hundred percent sure later you'll be grateful for what you did.
You didn't leave your name, but I 'm really appreciated for what you did.
I am forever grateful for what you did for Rolf, Red, and me in our visit to China.
If you want to atone for what you did. you should listen to what the priest said to you.
When someone thanks you for what you did, especially at work, you are getting a pat on the back.
This is a very dangerous warning signal. She will be thinking long and hard about how you will pay for what you did.
She'll cry a little to start with, but she'll get used to it in the end, and she'll thank you one day for what you did.
What did you buy for your father on Father's Day?
Forgiving is for you, for your inner peace. You cannot control what someone did in the past, but you can examine what you are doing right now.
If you genuinely want to find out what they did, you have to make it okay for them to have done something wrong.
Before proceeding, let's take a closer look at what the wizard just did for you.
Perhaps your friend told you how great you look now that you've lost a few pounds, or your first clients raved about what a great job you did for them.
For example, if you were passed up for a promotion, consider what the person who got the promotion did or had that you were lacking.
I would suggest that you ask your boyfriend about his past birthdays and what his family did for them.
No! We did it for fear that some day your descendants might say to ours, 'What do you have to do with the LORD, the God of Israel?
What did you have for dinner last night? How about breakfast this morning? Lunch last Friday?
You can build on what other people did, and provide things for other people to build on.
People will tell you what things they wouldn't tell the Grand Jury is what they did for me on the Newlywed Game anyway.
Thank you Rhonda for identifying what I discovered so many years ago... but did not have a name for.
What did I forget and what are you hoping for? Can't wait to hear from you.
They asked for other details: what were your names; what did you look like?
They asked for other details: what were your names; what did you look like?