Practice gratefulness and mindfulness, practice happiness, take time for yourself, your family, your friends, do whatever you need to feel good about yourself.
However, if you've got a family counting on you to continue with Plan a, you may have to sacrifice your own happiness for a while - or find happiness in your current situation.
Furthermore pray for the peace happiness and prosperity of all members of your family your associates and all people everywhere.
A while back, when I ran into an old family friend, he said, "Let me tell you one of my personal secrets for happiness: Control your exit."
Start by making your own home a place where peace, happiness and love around, through your love for each other of your family and for your neighbour.
Today is a festival day, today in your toil for decades, children together, and enjoy family happiness, I wish you longevity and sky, and wish a better tomorrow!
These are the hands that will work long hours for you and your new family, the hands that will love and cherish you for a lifetime of happiness.
Over the long term, habits like getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and making time for friends and family make a huge difference to your happiness.
Science says: What your friends, family members, and colleagues make relative to your salary seems to affect your happiness more than what you make, no matter how much it is. For example.
So is being equally rigid about non-traditional divisions of labor. It's okay to have ideas about how to organize your family but your best bet for happiness is to be flexible.
A cheery christmas and the new year hold lots of happiness for you. and wish your business and family all goes well.
This weekend, when I was home in Kansas City to go to my high-school reunion, I ran into an old family friend. "Let me tell you one of my personal secrets for happiness," he said. "Control your exit."
Having you prepared the christmas gifts and surprise for your family and friends?Join us "DATE WITH AN ANGEL" CHRISTMAS EVE and enjoy the happiness to your name.
Having you prepared the christmas gifts and surprise for your family and friends?Join us "DATE WITH AN ANGEL" CHRISTMAS EVE and enjoy the happiness to your name.