Upwards of a billion stars in our galaxy have burnt up their internal energy sources, and so can no longer produce the heat a star needs to oppose the inward force of gravity.
By blowing downward these fans oppose the force of gravity, effectively lightening the vehicle.
For calculating the force of gravity on a satellite, the radius of the earth is irrelevant.
As you age, the circles can darken and the force of gravity will also make the circles look larger.
The force of gravity is not constant everywhere for elliptical form and rugged surface of the earth.
The material drops on the center of the grinder with the help of the force of gravity and the gas impact.
Finally, the hatch opens and, unaccustomed to the force of gravity, you stagger out amid venting waste gases.
The core of the book describes an attempt to unify the fundamental forces of matter with the force of gravity.
Before we left, Li Yanping explained to me that the force of gravity would change three times on our journey.
Matters existing on earth will behave in a different manner when in space where there is no force of gravity.
For instance the geomagnetic Field, the heat flow, the propagation of seismic waves, the force of gravity, etc.
Only now is there no acceleration so I can write down that force of Walter Lewin plus the force of gravity equals zero.
Just like Newton had postulated the force of gravity with these very simple equations to explain what we perceive.
You can also try changing your position: Get up on all fours, or squat; the force of gravity might shift the baby's head.
In the same way, the rotation of the material in a disk prevents it from collapsing inward under the force of gravity.
However great a man may be in society, without love he will lack the force of gravity, the sweet fragrance of a flower.
Suppose a spacecraft floats freely somewhere in space so far from any stars that there is no force of gravity inside it.
2296 - Powerful eruption on the Sun. Changing the force of gravity. Beginning to fall old space stations and satellites.
They are opened and sustained in the open position by the force of velocity pressure, and closed by the force of gravity.
The balloon's skin retracted almost instantaneously, leaving its contents unsupported and subject to the force of gravity.
Gran Sasso and CERN are at different distances from the center of the Earth, so the force of gravity varies slightly between the two LABS.
When massive stars exhaust their nuclear fuel and can no longer resist the relentless, crushing force of gravity, they collapse violently.
A common wake-up event would be a collision, perhaps with an impulse behavior to jump up slightly and then respond to the force of gravity.
The net effect on the piston of all these small irregular forces must be equal to that of the force of gravity if there is to be equilibrium.
Gravity instruments are designed to measure variation in the force of gravity from one place to another rather than the absolute force itself.
The theory says that the force of gravity at this point is so great that nothing, not even light itself, can escape, hence the term 'black hole'.
The force of gravity starts to pull together huge regions of relatively dense cosmic gas, forming the vast, swirling collections of stars we call galaxies.
The force of gravity starts to pull together huge regions of relatively dense cosmic gas, forming the vast, swirling collections of stars we call galaxies.