If you don't, the lender will foreclose on the home.
Lenders of all stripes clearly prefer to foreclose on delinquent borrowers.
I also urged Yeltsin not to foreclose the possibility of future Russian membership.
That's a lot of work to foreclose on an 8,000-mile-in-diameter ball of molten iron and rock.
That's a lot of work to foreclose on an 8, 000-mile-in-diameter ball of molten iron and rock.
The biggest fear in the market is that Banks will foreclose on borrowers and start a fire-sale.
"I suspect the bank wanted to foreclose because we were so near to paying off the mortgage," says Mark.
Creditors with secured claims can foreclose upon (seize title to) these assets if the borrower defaults.
Why would you make a loan if you weren't even sure that, if the guy defaulted, you could at least foreclose?
A subsidiary of Bank of America moved to foreclose on Peace's home in Florida, citing delinquent payments on Peace's mortgage.
Finally, consistent with the reason why lenders prefer IOs, these mortgages are more likely to be repaid earlier or foreclose.
Few lenders want to foreclose, a process that takes ages, incurs massive costs and often causes the departing residents to trash the house.
Banks in this situation face a stark choice: foreclose on the loan and trigger a fire sale, or hang on in the hope that the market will improve.
More bad news for Dr. Conrad Murray — the bank is trying to foreclose on his Las Vegas home … the one that was filled with DEA agents yesterday.
If the building goes bankrupt, the lender will foreclose on the ownership of the common area, but individual apartment owners will not be affected.
Senior bondholders, who are owed around $3 billion, objected: they wanted to foreclose on the property and sell it off in order to recoup their money.
Recent studies of New York and Cleveland find that, if lenders foreclose on 3-4% of properties in an area, local prices fall even faster and further than average.
The company responded by halting sales of seized homes in the 23 states where court approval is required to foreclose while it gets to the bottom of its "robo-signing" problem.
Few lenders want to foreclose, a process that takes ages, incurs massive costs and often causes the departing residents to trash the house. It is better to agree on a quick sale.
When they failed to repay the losses, Citizens reported their personal account as delinquent to credit bureaus, and six months after the theft threatened to foreclose on their home.
About three or four nights every week, peasant debtors, bearing gifts of meat and wine, would feast the principal in the school rooms, trying to persuade him not to foreclose on their land.
About three or four nights every week, peasant debtors, bearing gifts of meat and wine, would feast the principal in the school rooms, trying to persuade him not to foreclose on their land.