The guards are changed in the morning in the forecourt behind the railings.
In another hospital, I found a gaggle of rural patients crouching on the forecourt.
A forecourt to the main entrance and the concert hall is located along the west facade.
The graveled forecourt in front of the manor was crowded with cars, and they weren't nun cars.
The red stone of the station floor continues into the forecourt, merging the station with the city.
The sculptural bell tower at the forecourt constitutes the fourth element of the building ensemble.
The entry forecourt is defined by a flowering canopy of creepers conveying a sense of relaxed formality.
Conclusion the earlier performance of acoustic neuroma is the abnormal function of cochlea and forecourt.
Only the small technical building located in the bus turning area is accessible from the station forecourt.
As visitors walk along the elongated forecourt, they are treated to reflecting pools and a number of gardens.
The visitor approaches the spacious, round, slightly descending gravel forecourt via gently sloping access ramp.
The end facades are the representative facades to the forecourt and the water and are as transparent as possible.
At dawn and at night, the diffused light comes out of the chapel and falls on the forecourt and the close surroundings.
The open forecourt not only connects with the three parts, but also can be considered as an urban hall for all citizens.
Its forecourt, adjacent to the new hospital, encourages interaction and exchange by staff, visitors and the general public.
The production hall evolves along the road, whereas the tasting area is orientated with its viewing side towards the forecourt.
Although Chrysler had dramatically improved its designs and production lines, it failed to predict the fashions of the forecourt.
Other nods to the old building include a recessed corner, envisioned as a gesture of welcome, that frames the entrance forecourt.
After a cup of tea and a chat he went on his way while I wandered across the forecourt scanning for a possible spot to start hitching.
The Royal Palace shut briefly but four days later it was business as usual, with Norwegians and tourists milling around the forecourt.
The mezzanine is surrounded by glass facades. The station forecourt has a glass floor with a span of 25m, adjoining the station concourse.
Down on one side of the forecourt ran a skittle-alley, with benches along it and little wooden tables marked with rings that hinted at beer-mugs.
For nine months, more than 7,000 people queued every day, filling the museum's forecourt in Bloomsbury, to see the wonders from the boy-king's tomb.
The existing 'forecourt' area of St Paul's Theological College became the Saint Francis Garden to provide a connection to the Saint John Paul II Building.
The landscape developed by Kew Gardens forms part of the Australia season on the museum's forecourt, and includes rare and unique plants from across the country.
The forecourt of the museum grafts itself to the existing sidewalk, shielded from the sights and sounds of traffic by the low-lying "apron" wing of the building.
At the east end of the nave is the vaulted sanctuary apse and at the west end a great narthex or vestibule beyond which an exonarthex opens to the forecourt or atrium.
At the east end of the nave is the vaulted sanctuary apse and at the west end a great narthex or vestibule beyond which an exonarthex opens to the forecourt or atrium.