Foreign Accent Syndrome is rare, with only about 60 cases reported within the past century.
The BBC identified her condition as Foreign Accent Syndrome, known only in a few dozen cases across the world.
Sarah Colwill's strong Devon drawl disappeared overnight, in one of only 20 known cases of Foreign Accent Syndrome worldwide.
There are about 50 recorded cases of Foreign Accent Syndrome, in which people who have suffered strokes or other injuries adopt a new accent.
One often cited example is a rare medical condition known as foreign accent syndrome, of which there have been just 60 recorded cases in the past 70 years.
Doctors say she actually has a rare condition known as Foreign Accent Syndrome, which occurs when the part of the brain that controls speech is damaged.
Sarah Colwill believes she has Foreign Accent Syndrome(FAS) which has caused her distinctive West Country drawlto be replaced with a Chinese twang, even though she has never even visited the country.
SarahColwill认为自己得了“外国口音综合症”,这就是为什么她原本典型的西方拉长调子讲话的腔调,变成了中国人的鼻音(纳闷:中文的鼻音很明显吗?) ,而且她之前从未去过中国。
Sarah Colwill believes she has Foreign Accent Syndrome(FAS) which has caused her distinctive West Country drawlto be replaced with a Chinese twang, even though she has never even visited the country.
SarahColwill认为自己得了“外国口音综合症”,这就是为什么她原本典型的西方拉长调子讲话的腔调,变成了中国人的鼻音(纳闷:中文的鼻音很明显吗?) ,而且她之前从未去过中国。