In February 2004, they even allowed firms to finance their foreign acquisitions by borrowing abroad.
Nonetheless, the tide of foreign acquisitions by Indian companies will continue to rise, with more and bigger deals.
As Indian companies juggle their pricey foreign acquisitions, the country's largest telephone company embarks on the biggest shopping expedition of them all.
But it also reflects the lower disruption from tightening the REINS on foreign acquisitions compared with forcing loan or bond defaults by blocking cross-border debt repayments.
Japanese corporations were using their high market capitalisations to finance acquisitions of foreign trophy assets. Japanese Banks boasted the world's strongest credit ratings.
Fat corporate profits are paying for mergers and acquisitions, which bring even more foreign capital into France.
The report found that about half the 406 land acquisitions in Ethiopia and the 405 deals in Mozambique from 2004 to 2009 came from foreign investors.
Growing water demand, driven by population growth and foreign land and water acquisitions, are straining the Nile's natural limits.
The investment bank will focus on the things that its mid-market German clients want, such as foreign-exchange products, debt-raising or mergers and acquisitions advice.
The population is ageing and shrinking; to avoid shrinking with it, Japanese firms must expand overseas. Recent months have seen a surge of foreign mergers and acquisitions.
On the other hand foreign capital Mergers and Acquisitions domestic enterprise arouses some problem, especially monopoly problem of key enterprise and industry and drain of state-owned assets.
The third part expounds characteristics and trend of foreign capital Mergers and Acquisitions domestic enterprise.
Foreign capital Mergers and Acquisitions domestic enterprise has not only advantageous side but also disadvantage side.
Recent months have seen a surge of foreign mergers and acquisitions.
In the second chapter, I introduce the concept, basic characteristics, types and motives of foreign mergers and acquisitions so as to make readers get a overview on foreign acquisition.
The research has been conducted between five mergers and acquisitions of local and foreign commercials Banks in Pakistan.
There are many reasons about foreign capital Mergers and Acquisitions domestic enterprise. This part analysis it from immanent causes external cause.
The paper analysis the existing circumstances and problems about foreign capital Mergers and Acquisitions domestic enterprise.
The performance evaluation of corporate mergers and acquisitions and foreign scholars commonly uses index of non-normal earnings and accounting empirical study.
The potential impact on China's listed companies by foreign capital mergers and acquisitions has become the focus of attention of all parties.
The us Chamber of Commerce, a business lobby, says the FCPA also deters foreign mergers and acquisitions.
A temporary rule governing( ) with and acquisitions by foreign investors took effect on April 12 this year.
A temporary rule governing( ) with and acquisitions by foreign investors took effect on April 12 this year.