All tables which have foreign key relationships to the selected table — and all foreign key tables from the selected table — will be visualized in the diagram illustrated in Figure 7, following.
For foreign key creation, another table with a primary key with a compatible data type is required.
But from our data model's perspective, there is no unique table we can use to create our foreign key constraint, like the one between TB_RIGHT and TB_PERSON.
Having the database generate values for the primary key for a table (and by extension, any foreign key values for related tables) eliminates the burden from the application from having to do so.
Minimize the triggers, CHECK and foreign key constraints, and generated columns for the table.
When ON delete set NULL is active, when a record is deleted from the parent table, all records in the child table with matching foreign key values are set to NULL.
当ON DELETESETNULL规则被激活时,如果一条记录从父表中删除,子表中的所有记录以及匹配的外键值都被设置为NULL。
ON DELETE CASCADE—When a record is deleted from the parent table, all records in the child table with matching foreign key values are also deleted.
ON DELETECASCADE —当一条记录从父表中删除时,子表中的所有记录以及匹配的外键值都全部被删除。
When an ON delete CASCADE rule is active, all records in the child table with matching foreign key values are deleted when a record is deleted from the parent table.
Otherwise, a new key value is taken from the sequence and used for both, a new entry in the dimension table and as a foreign key in the fact table.
If so, the existing ID is read from the dimension table and used as the foreign key for the new entries in the fact table.
You can also establish a foreign key in a secondary table to link with a primary key in a primary table.
Joined table: (Optional) the child class is mapped to a table that has a foreign key relationship to the table to which the parent is mapped.
Each one-to-many association is buried as a foreign key in the table of the many class.
An index pushdown USES the pushed-down keys to perform index lookups on a foreign key index of the fact table.
For example, if there are any dependent tables (tables that have a foreign key referencing the table into which data is to be loaded, for example), they might be placed in the CHECK PENDING state.
例如,如果存在依赖表(例如表中有一个外键,该外键引用数据要被装载到的目标表),那么这些表可能被设为CHECK PENDING状态。
In the case of a one-to-one relation, your transformation creates a foreign key in each table.
In general, that data would live in a child table with a foreign key relation to the table contacts.
In mapping terms, PERSON is the owner of the relation (i.e., the foreign key to the ADDRESS table resides in the PERSON table).
You can also use the system catalog views to retrieve information about NOT NULL, unique, primary key, foreign key, and table check constraints. For example.
也可以使用系统编目视图来检索关于NOT NULL、惟一、主键、外键和表检查约束的信息。
In the case of one-to-many relations, your transformation creates a foreign key in every "many" table.
在一对多关联的情况下,你的转换在所有“ many ”表中建立了一个外键。
Here we see that the mapping for Customer's Address field links the two halves of the relationship together with the foreign key reference in the table schema file.
Syscat.tabconst Contains a row for each unique (u), primary key (p), foreign key (f), or table check (k) constraint db2 select constname, tabname, type from syscat.tabconst.
tabconst为每个唯一性(U)、主键(p)、外键(f)或者表检查(K)约束保持一个行db2select constname,tabname,typefrom syscat . tabconst。
You also need to add a foreign key 'user_id' to the DOCUMENTS table so you know the user who uploaded a particular document.
另外还需要添加一个外键' user_id '到documents表中,以便知道哪个用户上传某个特定的文档。
Run rake db:migrate to create the SUBSCRIPTIONS table and add foreign key columns to SUBJECTS.
运行rakedb:migrate以创建SUBSCRIPTIONS表并将外键列添加到SUBJECTS 中。
In table 6, the INSERT into the Orders table fails due to a foreign key constraint violation on custno.
The Location table contains a foreign key (region_id) that corresponds to primary key of the region table.
In addition to the id primary key, you've declared the customer_id column to be a foreign key referencing the customer table.
Run rake db: migrate to create the SUBJECTS table and add the subject_id foreign key.
运行rakedb:migrate,以创建subjects表并添加subject _ id外键。
The belongs_to expresses the one-to-one foreign key relationship between the DOCUMENTS and USERS table.
In order to establish the foreign key relationship between employees and timesheets table, you would run the following query in your mysql instance.