Foreknowledge, intuition, and presentiment.
It [the base station] magically appeared there without anyone's foreknowledge.
Relaxation training and foreknowledge could be all used as intervention on fighting against stress.
The basic idea behind WBXML is that by taking advantage of foreknowledge of the DTDs, you can minimize the tags to one byte.
However the exception is in cases where the bearer acquired the instrument with the foreknowledge that such opposition existed.
Those of you who follow messages that you have found reliable and carrying the energy of Love and Light, will have foreknowledge of what is occurring.
However I find not so and I can avoid dangers, I have foreknowledge than others. I can have a children's attitude, Don't afraid of dangers and complexity.
The effect of relaxation training and foreknowledge on the two different stress sources of mental arithmetic and terrorist videos had not significant difference.
If the reasons assigned are insufficient, then one great difficulty is removed, but there remains to be solved the problem of God's foreknowledge of man's free ACTS.
If you had followed me into the test with little foreknowledge of what was going on, you might have been tempted to think this was just some friends having a good time playing a game.
If you had followed me into the test with little foreknowledge of what was going on, you might have been tempted to think this was just some friends having a good time playing a game.