An extensible network forensic analysis framework.
The nuclear forensic analysis has already become a special, up-to-date sphere of learning.
Extensive forensic analysis of the wreckage has, in a way, brought the story of the Titanic to a familiar place.
Thank you for that fine forensic analysis, Mr bodine. Of course , the experience o it was … somewhat different .
When you read them, you always felt like you were reading the forensic analysis of a delicate but preposterous crime.
Software is also being ordered for previewing, image mounting, password cracking and forensic analysis of digital media.
During the forensic analysis, I acquired two attack tools that were used in almost all cases, so here is a short description of them.
Although Ashford would be keen to see Austen's bones disinterred for modern forensic analysis, she accepts this is unlikely to happen.
虽然A shford希望挖掘奥斯丁的骨骼做现代法医分析,但她也知道这是不可能的。
Forensic analysis is yielding new details of how the intruders took advantage of the flaw to gain access to internal corporate servers.
But this is the first time they've discovered a full-feathered tail section preserved in amber, ripe for forensic analysis and Spielbergian dreams.
Genotyping error has become one of important issues during the molecular marker detection studies, especially for the trace sample genotyping and forensic analysis.
Reporting testing progress is sometimes a forensic analysis of testing results, and sometimes it's reporting on high-level milestones, state gates, or entry and exit criteria.
Once the forensic analysis is over, Bolívar will be resealed in a new coffin, wrapped in a new flag and—during next year’s bicentennial celebrations—interred in a new mausoleum.
To be able to determine what processes were being executed during a particular time and by whom, for the purposes of forensic analysis or for the purpose of monitoring user activity.
Until a forensic analysis or some other concrete evidence proves otherwise that conspiracy theory doesn't hold up for me--especially after hearing the final album versions on very good speakers.
The method of laser MS in measuring organic compounds on fibrous paper provides a new analytical tool for some special analysis such as security check, forensic analysis, food sanitary inspection.
Forensic analysis of the site explained significant canopy loss. Poorly drained areas with silty clay loam soils - conditions more representative of prairie environments - were widespread on the site.
Such data, the researchers said, could be useful for teasing out the biology of skin and eye disease and for forensic DNA analysis.
The project aims to find Lisa's bones and possibly reconstruct her face using carbon dating, DNA analysis and forensic techniques.
He named the three investigators as Peter Diaczuk, an expert in firearms evidence, Daniel Spitz, a prominent forensic pathologist, and Jeff Spivack, an expert in forensic video analysis.
JUST over 50 yearsago Robert Borkenstein, then a little-known forensic scientist, invented thebreathalyser, allowing instant analysis of alcohol levels in the blood from asample of breath.
This result provides a theoretic basis for analysis of clinical emergency poisoning and sample collection of forensic poison analysis.
The MHA is also set to acquire software for forensic previewing, for analysis of digital media and smartphones.
In recent years, Low Copy Number biological evidence plays an increasingly important position in forensic DNA analysis.
It can collect the proofs timely and accomplish the analysis of detection and forensic when intruded. This system makes up the lack of intrusion detection, and prevents hacker attacks effectively.
Courses of study include experimental data analysis, forensic chemistry, applied spectroscopy, and other subjects.
Courses of study include experimental data analysis, forensic chemistry, applied spectroscopy, and other subjects.