He has acted in three forgettable action films.
It sounds like a commercial: easy on the ear but bland and forgettable.
Names and addresses are forgettable.
姓名和地址易(被) 遗忘。
Forgettable supporting role: Lisa Kudrow.
While having none of these probably means you're rather forgettable.
I don't want to be just another forgettable blog in someone's feed reader.
Well she hesitated, then told me it was distinguished only by how forgettable it was.
He is kind of a forgettable writer who has written really nothing but a few forgettable books.
Black pepper & woods, a gaunt, fleshless wood scent that feels like sth unfinished. A forgettable insignificance.
If it weren't for that metallic orange "Copperhead" paint job, the Borrego is a pretty forgettable 4,460 LBS of generic SUV.
While the one on the right was forgettable, the left shark flailed around in a desperate attempt to remember his dance moves.
But the 40-year-old Miss Aniston's stock has also slipped in recent times following a series of forgettable and lightweight films.
They are little things that have been always happening every day, and were always so unimportant and easily forgettable before — but now!
Let's face it, some movie posters are truly memorable, while others are fairly forgettable. But some posters came out so awful, they just... sucks!
By then Connery had appeared in five forgettable films-but in one of them, he caught the eye of Walt Disney, who brought him to the United States in 1958.
Even though it emerges from an uncrowded genre in which the competition is sparse, Your Highness is forgettable and it likely won't take long before it is forgotten.
This latest American effort is a deplorable, but also forgettable and forgivable, episode in his checkered Hollywood career. (See pictures of Jackie Chan, a life in action.)
On the other hand, I shall avoid discussing minutiae and wil not load this essay with fleeting and instantly forgettable references to hundreds of names, topics and titles.
It gives them a chance to mix reality with illusion as they tour sites made famous in a string of movie classics - as well as such forgettable stinkers as "She Gods of Shark Reef."
In the endless whirr of 24/7 corporate news, the people who actually make a difference are often trampled in the stampede to the next forgettable news-nugget like Lady Gaga’s meat-dress.
Include their favorite foods, take a few minutes to set the table, to light candles and put music on, and your usual forgettable evening slumped on the sofa can become a night to remember.
Include their favorite foods, take a few minutes to set the table, to light candles and put music on, and your usual forgettable evening slumped on the sofa can become a night to remember.