But the 40-year-old Miss Aniston's stock has also slipped in recent times following a series of forgettable and lightweight films.
This latest American effort is a deplorable, but also forgettable and forgivable, episode in his checkered Hollywood career. (See pictures of Jackie Chan, a life in action.)
It sounds like a commercial: easy on the ear but bland and forgettable.
In the endless whirr of 24/7 corporate news, the people who actually make a difference are often trampled in the stampede to the next forgettable news-nugget like Lady Gaga’s meat-dress.
He is kind of a forgettable writer who has written really nothing but a few forgettable books.
Include their favorite foods, take a few minutes to set the table, to light candles and put music on, and your usual forgettable evening slumped on the sofa can become a night to remember.
Black pepper & woods, a gaunt, fleshless wood scent that feels like sth unfinished. A forgettable insignificance.
If it weren't for that metallic orange "Copperhead" paint job, the Borrego is a pretty forgettable 4,460 LBS of generic SUV.
While the one on the right was forgettable, the left shark flailed around in a desperate attempt to remember his dance moves.
It gives them a chance to mix reality with illusion as they tour sites made famous in a string of movie classics - as well as such forgettable stinkers as "She Gods of Shark Reef."
It gives them a chance to mix reality with illusion as they tour sites made famous in a string of movie classics - as well as such forgettable stinkers as "She Gods of Shark Reef."