Let's carry the spring water of heart to irrigate the flower of forgiveness and love, and to water the tree of respect and honesty.
It's only when we rely on God's unending love and the strength that he gives us that our hearts can begin to heal in a genuine way through forgiveness.
As you approach this Easter season, may I encourage you to prayerfully think about your children or loved ones in your family who do not know God's love and forgiveness?
What would keep you from doing that? What would keep you from coming home to God's love and forgiveness? The fear of rejection.
It is love, forgiveness, and greatness that require a great heart, a great mind, and a great effort.
I sincerely ask you to keep a spirit of reconciliation and forgiveness and to love peace and neighbours in difficulty.
我衷心希望各位秉承和解与宽容的信念,热爱和平以及处于困境中的邻国。 这是我丈夫的心愿。
As much as he longed to see the Lord in heaven, he loved having the opportunity here to tell others about God's unending, unconditional love and forgiveness.
True forgiveness is willingness to let go of judgments and see the situation differently. It has to do with experiencing love and joy instead of fear and hate, says Dr. Sylvest.
You worship God through prayer when you give Him your love (praise), your life (purpose), and your worries (provision). And also when you ask Him for forgiveness (pardon) of your SINS.
Continuing to write after that heartache of disappointment doesn't take only discipline, but also self-forgiveness (which comes from a place of kind and encouraging and motherly love).
Between those verses of wear and tear, I am seeking the powers of love and forgiveness through which I wish to release the rage and hatred of migrants.
Marianne Williamson writes that we experience love as kindness, giving, forgiveness, compassion, peace, joy and acceptance.
Sometimes, however unexpectedly, a difficult situation can help a family discover unconditional love, support, kindness, forgiveness, acceptance, teamwork, and optimism.
No books were required, yet many topics were covered, including love, work, community, family, aging, forgiveness, and, finally, death. The last lecture was brief, only a few words.
A role model of reconciliation and forgiveness, he stretched out his hands in love, acceptance and healing.
I should also ask forgiveness constantly, again and again, that I cannot offer people that unconditional love I would like to offer.
A role model of reconciliation and forgiveness, he stretched out his hands in love, acceptance and healing.
Pink is associated with the ray of love and forgiveness and triggers sequences of self healing in degenerated, wounded or decayed regions of the biology.
Love is the dove of peace, the spirit of brotherhood; it is tenderness and compassion, forgiveness and tolerance.
Lord Jesus, we need Your love and forgiveness in our hearts, if we are to love unselfishly.
Love doesn't lie in the accurate calculating, new attempt, fault and forgiveness, or blindness and adoration.
Through communion, the believers, the believers can receive forgiveness and healing from the Lord in remembering the Love of the Lord, while being reminded to truly love one another.
The father replied: Son, sow peace and understanding, love and forgiveness. Flee from envy and evil. Then you'll see God, right in the bottom of your heart.
The father replied: Son, sow peace and understanding, love and forgiveness. Flee from envy and evil. Then you'll see God, right in the bottom of your heart.