Huck scanned his own clothing forlornly.
The Mole subsided forlornly on a tree-stump and tried to control himself, for he felt it surely coming.
In the meantime, the boys were gazing very forlornly at Wendy, now equipped with John and Michael for the journey.
It is stranded somewhat forlornly in the middle of the plain.
Many shops are now empty, with “For Rent” signs forlornly fastened to them.
Standing forlornly among the trees were scores of animals, patiently waiting to drink.
"Don't worry, Robbie, she'll be along soon," Miss Pace said as I gazed 5 forlornly down at the street.
Before a storm struck, many dead stumps stand forlornly in the middle of the grassland in Guangzhou of Guangdong, Apr. 6, 2006.
They hope for an alternative to giving away content on the Internet, hoping forlornly for advertisements (or something) to save them.
While the Philippines were forlornly battling for their existence United States bombers were flying in endless streams to Great Britain.
Could that be the captain's ghost haunting the beach, gazing forlornly at the decaying wreck, hovering over starlight reflected in still water?
She could not roam about and amuse herself, for the burned breadth would show, so she stared at people rather forlornly till the dancing began.
She waved and called a greeting just as the sergeant of the guard came to the gate. Unable to reply, Leip forlornly watched her disappear in the fog.
"I have a relationship with my phone," she said one recent afternoon, as she forlornly scrolled through some of his latest texts, among them "have you eaten?"
Actually, in some, you can even see corners of clothes hang out forlornly over the shelf edge, constantly being squashed because it's stopping the door from fulling closing.
Actually, in some, you can even see corners of clothes hang out forlornly over the shelf edge, constantly being squashed because it's stopping the door from fulling closing.