"The pandas will be comfortable living here as it is not far from the former base," Huang was quoted as saying.
It also introduces typical structure and function of several geological parameter measurement sensors and logging sensors in LWD at the former base.
“I think there’s been a lot of hurt feelings over these subsidies to companies, while a lot of communities around the former base have not seen development money, ” he said.
A stretch of road outside one former army base, which offers target practice to anyone who walks in, was packed with cars.
"I don't remember what happened," said Halsted, a former combat controller who was stationed at then-McChord Air Force Base, Wash.
Since then, the city has sold large plots of the former air base to other developers, while earmarking yet other parcels for future sale to help pay for the new business district.
Even a former top executive of one of the miners conceded that true competition on pricing would be difficult to foster, when the cost base was the same.
Devens, as the site of a former military base, is a designated enterprise zone eligible for state financial support.
Workers mounted solar panels on brackets arrayed across more than 270 acres on a former East German military base, helping to transform it into the 40-megawatt Waldpolenz solar Park.
Libyan rebel fighters embrace at the former female military base in Tripoli, Libya, Monday, Aug. 22, 2011.
On the base of former experiments, some improvements were made for total technology system more simple and reasonable.
Sarmite Stradniece, a resident of Skrunda, which is 3 miles (5 kilometers) south of Skrunda-1, praised the idea to sell the former military base.
斯库纳达一号南方三英里(5公里)斯库纳达市的居民,Sarmite Stradniece,对出售过去军事基地的想法大加赞赏。
Many of the aircraft are based in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and former Soviet republics neighbouring Afghanistan. Some have also been sited at the former raf base at Midway, Oman.
He goes as far as to say that Russia could become an important export base for global multinationals wanting to reach other former Soviet republics, Iran, Iraq and the rest of the Middle East.
Bilibili, also a bullet-screen site with a slightly younger user base, was founded in 2009 by a former senior member of Acfun.
While Rousseau relates Right of Freedom to Equal Right, and believes that the latter is the premise and base of realization of the former.
FORMER INMATE at the Bagram military base in Afghanistan, who has alleged inhumane treatment during his time at the U. S. -run detention facility.
Amid Chicagos North Shore communities is a national landmark the former U. S. Army Base at Fort Sheridan (1887-1993).
Furthermore, last forty chapters of Hongloumeng widen life scenes and deepen the topic on the base of former eighty chapters of Hongloumeng.
In this thesis, on the base of former research fruit of humor, the author attempts to apply pragmatic theories to the analysis of the functions of verbal humor.
Strengthen the research work for base material of painting, film former and its theory, accessory material and construction skill.
On the base of these investigations, the author concludes the reasons of the obstacles of the creative thoughts in physics studying: 1. The obstacles produced by the student's former knowledge.
Foreign reporters were barred from the launch base near the former Silk Road oasis of Jiuquan.
The former is mainly used in kinematic o_f base mechanism, the latter is mainly used in kinematic of synthesis mechanism.
The value of the aesthetic appreciation comes from the objective beauty of a thing that is the material base of the former.
Used for breaking old road surface in municipal construction and destroying the former concrete base during the course of equipment installation in industrial and mineral enterprise.
The former is the base on which the verbal style exists, while the latter is the means by which the style develops.
The former is the base on which the verbal style exists, while the latter is the means by which the style develops.