But after barely 24 hours at Fort Monroe, the new commander had already sized up his new constituency.
Yet history would come to Fort Monroe not amid the thunder of guns and the clash of fleets, but stealthily, under cover of darkness, in a stolen boat.
Fort Monroe, Va., a fishhook-shaped spit of land near the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay, had been a military post since the time of the first Jamestown settlers.
Fort MonroeVa是坐落在Chesapeake湾的一片形似鱼钩的土地,自从首批移民在Jamestown安顿下来之后,这里就一直是一个军事据点。
The Army of the Potomac began to move on March seventeenth, eighteen sixty-two. Within two weeks, more than fifty thousand had reached Fort Monroe, southeast of Richmond.
1862年3月17日,波托马可军团出发了,在两个星期内,已经有五万多人到达了雷切蒙德东南的门罗军事要塞(Fort Monroe),这五万人配备了一百门大炮和大量的炮弹。
Blacks were contributing to the Union cause in larger ways. Not just at Fort Monroe but also throughout the South they provided Northerners with valuable intelligence and expert guidance.
Two and half centuries later, in the first spring of the Civil War, Fort Monroe was a lonely Union redoubt in the heart of newly Confederate territory. Its defenders stood on constant guard.
两个半世纪之后,在内战爆发后的第一个春天,Fort Monroe成了新成立的联邦领土内为数不多的联邦军据点之一,士兵们一直绷紧神经保卫着。
Back at Monroe - dubbed "the freedom fort" - fugitives continued arriving daily.
Back at Monroe - dubbed "the freedom fort" - fugitives continued arriving daily.