One way to cure it may be to take supplements of the vitamin. Another way is to eat soy products fortified with the vitamin or eat generous amounts of milk and eggs.
That said, I'm currently in a phase of drinking one B12 fortified glass of soy milk every day.
You can get vitamin D from the foods you eat, such as fortified dairy or soy milk products, fortified orange juice, egg yolks, or your body can make it from the sun.
Increase intake of fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products, such as milk, yogurt, cheese, or fortified soy beverages.
Another way is to eat soy products fortified with the vitamin or eat generous amounts of milk and eggs.
If people are milk intolerant or dislike milk calcium fortified, soy drink products can provide an adequate calcium source.
Kefir can prevent osteoporosis when fortified isoflavone and calcium. Kefir was made by soy milk also.
The process is also applicable for the manufacture of formulated milk powder, fortified milk powder, soy milk powder and other powdered instant refreshment.
Many parents choose to give soy milk or rice beverages, which are not always fortified with vitamin D, she said.
Many parents choose to give soy milk or rice beverages, which are not always fortified with vitamin D, she said.