If you still have a job and you can put food on the table and you still have a warm house to come home to, then you should consider yourself to be very fortunate.
For you dudes not fortunate enough to have someone living with them that loves to do all the cleaning, you need to stay one up on the cleaning, laundry, and general house stuff.
The house withstood the quake, and Caroline, after nights of praying and singing in the streets with less fortunate neighbors, found herself riddled with survivors’ guilt: “I thought, ‘Why not me?’
I miss my neighbors. I feel blessed and fortunate that my house was saved, but this place was more than houses and yards, it was a community.
Romantically, you are fortunate to have Venus in your house of hopes and wishes, friends and parties.
Going back to things of the past is always fortunate when Mercury is retrograde, and Mercury will be in this house for part of the time.
You are so fortunate that you have Jupiter in your house of health because it shows that you would get the very finest medical help now.
The Narrabeen House is located on the edge of Narrabeen Lagoon and is fortunate to have outlook across water to an untouched island dense with casuarinas.
The Narrabeen House is located on the edge of Narrabeen Lagoon and is fortunate to have outlook across water to an untouched island dense with casuarinas.