Fortune-telling is a very much debased art surrounded by superstition.
Her gift of palmistry and other sorts of fortune-telling begot for her at last a witch's name and fame.
In Europe their persecution by the gadje began quickly, with the church seeing heresy in their fortune-telling and the state seeing anti-social behaviour in their nomadism.
LL: What? All these years I've dreamed of going to China to have a real Chinese fortune cookie, and you're telling me they don't exist?
Practicing divination (This means fortune telling, reading tarot CARDS, reading tea leaves etc) or sorcery.
Tess, being left alone with the younger children, went first to the outhouse with the fortune-telling book, and stuffed it into the thatch.
People in various cultures have used the anklebones of domestic artiodactyls in games and fortune-telling for millennia.
Easy language to fortune telling entertainment game source code, game programming source code, a good reference.
I don't know about fortunes or fortune-telling.
That's the fortune-telling error, when you falsely predict what's going to happen.
Now that people are no longer superstitious , fortune-telling as a profession is finished.
Suze Orman has made a fortune telling people to grow their wealth through frugality, despite having no personal experience in the matter.
We really all ought to do much more fortune-telling. By this, I don't mean we should try to look at tomorrow or the day after.
Do you believe in astrology, tarot CARDS, and fortune-telling?
The front room is Veronica's fortune-telling parlor, equipped with crystal ball, tarot CARDS, and a map of the palm of your hand.
Tourists pass by the electronic hands of a fortune-telling machine in Seattle's Pike Place Public Market.
Time was, when you went to Frascati, you stood a chance of winning a fortune: you played against a bank and, if you lost, you had the consolation of telling yourself you might have won.
There are too high level to see horror movies, some of the old fortune-telling, and so on... These are small hand trick.
Land of every inch in the new city is telling people the fortune tale that the gold is spread everywhere here.
I've tried every kind of fortune telling, such as Chinese astrology, face reading and the Western horoscope.
Martha Stewart, a television personality with her own magazine, has earned a fortune telling American women how to iron their sheets, grow their own salads, and make dried flower wreaths.
The ceremony is elaborate, including greeting the God, singing between the God and man, inviting the God to fortune-telling and seeing the God off.
The following eight characters support the importation of fortune-telling is only Gregorian date of birth, if only to know the lunar calendar date of birth.
The following eight characters support the importation of fortune-telling is only Gregorian date of birth, if only to know the lunar calendar date of birth.