Frequently used techniques are twisting hand, pressing palm, rebounding fist, snatch, moving in forward lunge, horse stance, and crouching step.
The main techniques are forward lunge, horse stance, empty step, rest-stand step, crouching step, pushing palm, twisting hand, and pat the feet.
"One day we saw an adolescent orang-utan called Sif wade into deep water, hunker down and then lunge forward making simple paddling movements with her arms and legs," says Russon.
Lunge: the basic attack in fencing where a fencer closes the distance between foes by moving the front leg forward while the back leg remains stationary and straightens out.
Luckily, the lion could not get up. He must move forward. With one quick lunge Danwa stabbed the lion with the needle.
The solution: Make sure that you don't lunge forward with your feet. This is especially important when running downhill.
The solution: Make sure that you don't lunge forward with your feet. This is especially important when running downhill.