So Crete shall presently receive thee Crete that was mine own foster-mother where thy bridal chamber shall be.
He has spent most of his life being shunted between his mother, father and various foster families.
Would Madu be a foster mother to Remy, too?
He needed a foster mother to take care of him.
A foster mother is a mother who takes someone else's child into her family and cares for the child for a period of time just as what she would do to her own child.
Today's families may include both the biological mother and father or a single parent or guardian, grandparents or other extended family, same-gender parents, or foster parents.
The agreements to foster human ascension lie not only with your species but also with the earth mother.
The mother tried to foster her son's interest in music by taking him to concerts frequently.
The mother tried to foster her son's interest in music by taking him to concerts when he was young.
Coordinate the foster Care Program. Select foster families, train foster mother, place children in foster homes.
If a man adopt a son, and if after he has taken him, he injure his foster father and mother, then this adopted son shall return to his father's house.
The holiday also honors other types of mother figures, such as step-mothers, foster mothers, and grandmothers.
If a man adopt a son, and if after he has taken him, he injure his foster father and mother, then this adopted son shall return to his father's house.
Meanwhile, Shimin's foster mother chooses to forgive Jiahui when she learns of Jiahui's complicated past.
His foster mother says that you can take the boy out of the jungle but you can't take the jungle out of the boy.
When the couple obtained the gold, they returned home to support their mother and foster the child as well.
If a man adopt a son, and if after he has taken him, he injure his foster father and mother, then this adopted son shall return to his father's house.
Meanwhile, Shimin foster mother urges Shimin to marry Jiahui as soon as possible. Jiahui is overjoyed.
But Shante has the brawn of a 20-year-old, boasts her foster mother, Elizabeth Coe, "and she has teeth like an alligator, which she'll use on anything that gets within reach, including fingers."
And if you look on that page, about in the middle, this is Enoch describing his foster mother: "' this woman was hard to get along with."
And if you look on that page, about in the middle, this is Enoch describing his foster mother: "' this woman was hard to get along with."