The report says it suspects foul play was involved in the deaths of two journalists.
Judge Isabel Oliva said last night: "I have closed the case. There was no foul play."
Authorities say they don't know yet if the 21-year-old fell or was the victim of foul play.
He said police had ruled out foul play because of the lack of injury and lack of disturbance in the room.
A local police investigation claimed no evidence of foul play, but Internet users were quick to scorn that.
The women haven't been seen or heard from in two weeks. Authorities say there is no evidence of foul play.
My first thought was that someone had illegally entered my apartment and was intent on robbery or foul play.
In other words, it was not foul play that killed this poor woman, but an accident caused by a simple sneeze.
There was no evidence of foul play, according to University Police and li's family members have been notified.
Investigators, suspecting foul play, were checking pawnshops along the Nevada border for the couple's possessions.
Coroners in the case said yesterday there was no suspicion of foul play but toxicology tests would take several weeks.
You need to tell the customers upfront what the price is, and there should be no hidden price, otherwise it is foul play.
Foul play has been perplexing the coach es and players in basketball games, which results from unreasonable body contacts.
The Los Angeles County's coroner's office has conducted an autopsy and says there were no indications of trauma or foul play.
A spokeswoman for the Fairfax County Police Department in Virginia said there were no signs of foul play in Mr. Kellermann's death.
When Alice is found dead in their New York flat, evidence of foul play is investigated by two men with their own chequered romantic stories.
While Lebanon has ruled out any foul play, authorities here in Ethiopia say they want it with a conclusive report on the cause of the crash.
Due to foul play at other schools, the local school district enacts a mandatory policy during recess hours that segregates the schoolyard based on gender.
According to rules announced by transport authorities, cabbies now face a ban of up to three years for foul play - or a lifetime ban in extreme cases.
Whether a suicide or foul play as his family and lawyer have alleged, Ram Singh's death is an enormous security failure at one of India's best-known prisons.
The High Priest, on his part, feared that the king might suspect the Jews of some foul play against Heliodorus, so he offered a sacrifice for the man's recovery.
And if the insurance on the luxury car has expired, the likelihood of foul play drops further, since this increases the likelihood a person will drive a cheaper but properly insured car.
The night before the pig's birth, villagers say they witnessed unexplained bright lights hovering in the sky, and so they attributed the piglet's bizarre features to foul play by aliens.
Ramsey follows Abou Diaby and Eduardo as a high-profile victim of dangerous tackling but, on further examination, they are not the only Arsenal players to fall foul of serious foul play.
Ramsey follows Abou Diaby and Eduardo as a high-profile victim of dangerous tackling but, on further examination, they are not the only Arsenal players to fall foul of serious foul play.