The pile foundation design has some limits under conditions of practical projects.
The foundation design for very large structures may require extensive geologic studies.
The rigid foundation design must satisfy the limitation of the width height ratio of steps.
And select the part of floor panels, stairs, framework, canopies ditch, pile foundation design.
It is expected that the general lumped-parameter model will improve the dynamic foundation design.
The karst geology term is a serious geology disaster in the foundation design and the construction.
Moreover so far there is not a uniform and integrated calculating method on piled raft foundation design.
Based on the analysis of soft soil, the paper described how to choose the soft treatment in the foundation design.
Several problems which should be taken attention to in the foundation design and construction are also put forward.
In conventional pile foundation design theory, piles work at the elastic range and upper loads are fully Shared by piles.
The foundation design taking the relation of adjacent building foundations into consideration is summarized in the paper.
By taking a series of technical measures in pile foundation design and construction, the project was implemented successfully.
According to the design's experience and instances, this paper give out the main points during the foundation design and some examples.
Finally, the foundation design should be studied carefully, because advertisement board structure bears wind load in certain direction.
On the floor reinforcement calculation, the use of pile foundation design, foundation and pile caps for the force and reinforcement calculation.
Here is the introduction of foundation design, superstructure design, out-stretching eaves design and anti-seism design of special-shape structure.
Based on a high rise building foundation engineering, author introduce a foundation design method on complicated mountainous geological conditions.
The prestressed RC pipe pile is used in foundation design according to the ground condition, and the calculation settlement satisfies the requirement.
The calculation of pile negative friction is a important foundation for pile foundation design when pile foundation is in large area filled up ground.
It is important to calculate the impedance matrix of foundations in dynamic foundation design and the substructure analysis of the soil-structure interaction.
With the increase of the amount of high-rise buildings, it is shown that introducing the soil nonlinear behavior into the foundation design is very important.
The dynamic analysis is conducted by using the Two Degrees of Freedom 'method, which is permissible in' Regulations on Machine Foundation Design '(GB50040-96).
The solution of the above problems would be of benefit to correct evaluation of bearing capacity of pile foundation and optimization of pile foundation design.
The wet-sunk loess is a special case in geology. In ground foundation design of an architectural structure, there were some successful precedents in our country.
The key point in the piled raft foundation design is to determine the proportion of load carried by piles and raft and the effect of diminished settlement of piles.
Determinisic approach is usually adopted in traditional foundation design without consideration of the scatterness, randomness or fuzziness of parameters in all aspects.
However, the research and application of using reliability theory in soil foundation design is much more complicated and far behind that in structure engineering at present.
According to the rules in foundation Design Standand of Building Ground, a reduced calculation method which can directly figure out the demanded foundation area is introduced.
According to the rules in foundation Design Standand of Building Ground, a reduced calculation method which can directly figure out the demanded foundation area is introduced.