The Foundation works without geographical limitations.
So, foundation works have been established for the farther research.
Six foundation works : first, projects to prevent flood, avoiding huai river overflow again ;
This goal will probably be more difficult to achieve than anything else the foundation works on.
As one of the foundation works of a enterprise, employee training has been taken into account by enterprise increasingly.
Calcareous sand is a cause of special Marine geotechnical medium, pile foundation works are not uncommon in the calcareous sand.
The high strength pre-stressing concrete piles (PHC) are widely used in the foundation works of hydropower projects and tall structures.
At present, very large deep water open caisson is main structural form of large hydroelectric engineering, water transport engineering and deep foundation works of bridge.
The National Osteoporosis Foundation works to inform Americans about bone health. The group says breaks caused by weakened bones can lead to pain, disability and even death.
In this paper, the construction techniques for the foundation are mainly presented to provide helpful experience and reference for the construction of foundation works of similar kind.
As for the lower and upper parts of the foundation, different concreting methods were adopted respectively, which guaranteed the foundation works quality and achieved a good construction effect.
The method, developed with support from the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Packard Foundation, works by changing the programming that controls an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM).
This foundation may not be so familiar to American readers, but it works to treat and prevent blindness in Australia, Asia, and Africa.
Einstein's broader theory of relativity told us more about how the universe works and helped to lay the foundation for quantum physics, but it also introduced more confusion into theoretical science.
In return for the loan of the priceless canvases, the biennale foundation has provided funds to have the works restored.
The foundation, a private nonprofit organization that works to preserve Mozart's legacy, was founded in 1880 by Salzburg residents and made the skull available for the DNA tests.
Torvalds currently resides in Portland, Oregon and works as a software engineer for the Linux Foundation.
Many were impressed by the depth and quality of the Cattelan works now on show at Dakis Joannou's Foundation in Athens.
4New York, USA: Aretha Franklin performs at the 10th anniversary gala of the Candie's Foundation, which works to prevent teenage pregnancy through educational campaigns Photograph: Eric Thayer/Reuters
美国纽约(New York USA):艾瑞莎·富兰克林正在坎迪德基金会成立十周年的晚会进行表演。该基金会的工作是通过教育宣传活动阻止少女怀孕。
Now all we write about are these frickin’ things [picking up his iPhone]. And it only takes 15 years from where we are all laughing at something to ‘This is the foundation of how technology works.
It's so versatile that it can be used to be the foundation of anything, from great atrocities to beautiful works of art.
Great works like these could not happen without Rotarians, and they could not happen without the Foundation.
As the foundation of "the digital city", the geo-spatial data sharing mechanism is one of the main bottlenecks of "digital city" or its associated works.
But the Cardiff team, funded by the British Heart Foundation, have identified a surprising new mechanism that works independently of nitric oxide.
然而,由英国心脏基金会(British Heart Foundation)资助的加的夫研究小组发现了一个惊人的新机制,该机制无需依赖一氧化氮。
And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands.
The exhibition was hosted by Seaman Foundation of the Netherlands, and about 80 pieces of art works from 6 Chinese and 8 Dutch artists have been exhibited.
此次展览由荷兰海员基金(Seaman Foundation)主办,共有来自中荷两国14名艺术家的80幅作品参展。
Thus, this paper attempts to make a study of people's names in Longzhouji by collecting relevant data and subsequently lay a solid foundation for the further study of Liu Guo's literary works.
All the works will lay down a good foundation on research and application of AMB systems in the future.
All the works will lay down a good foundation on research and application of AMB systems in the future.